Nicely expressed! When the Yogi, or hopeful, décides to abandon the thinking process and there is no longer thought, an Absence overtakes the internal environment. But there seem to be two results, both cognized as Voidness: one, is the Voidness of nihilation, with its grey-ish, Duo-dimensional melieux, absent of Objectivity (contrast), except one.The other, is the Voidness that is actually a Plenum, Duo-dimensional in character, clear darkness, also absent of Objectivity, save one----This, which is "Witnessing" both types of Voidness.(This Witnessing characteristic may also be called "Turyia" or a "Discriminating Faculty," that can distinguish either type of Voidness.)The ability to concentrate the mind on a single object is not difficult to learn and achieve, but it pertains solely to the diffuse mind, and is of little value to the Sadhu's further pursuits, other than developing the means to control the Mind itself, and for Meditation.There seems to be little use for the "Third Eye," except for closer scrutiny of the content of thought. Blessings, y'all! Nirguna
Comment to Divine Eye Unlikely
Gordon PatersonView Gordon Paterson’s profile (This, Here, Now) • 1stPresident/Senior Creative Director/TV Writer-Producer at The Star Bright Company