Comment to 'Female ~ Reproductive Energy Lift-Kriya'
  • The reproductive energy lift-kriya referenced has to do with a pre-polarity hormonal energy confiscation. Usually these sexual functions mystic procedures focus on the polarity hormonal energy and not on the energy before it gains polarity. Srila Yogeshwarananda is concerned with the stage of the hormone energy formation before it becomes charged. His approach is novel and is not consistent with the regular methods used before.


    To understand this one has to check to see how the digestive system produces the concentrate of energy at first, even before that energy is modified and charged by various glands and organs in the physical and subtle bodies.


    Now as soon as this neutral energy, is sent to various parts of the psyche, the various departures begin taking on a polarity or functioning aspect. At that stage, the yogi or yogini has to arrest the energy.


    If the energy develops polarity, then a whole slew of mystic actions must be taken to contain it and mostly this is done inefficiently, because some of the energy escapes because it is coded by nature to do what nature intended which is not where the yogi directs it. It has a resistance to anything which is not consistent with nature’s designs.



    The kriyas required for males are one grasping method. That for females is another very different method. This is due to anatomy and to the way in which the reproductive energy disperses in either system. The pick-up of either is different. Imagine picking up all the electrostatic energy which would be formed into a lightning bolt, but doing so just before the bolt is manifested. You have not seen the bolt but you are tasked to pick up the energy which will become manifested as the bolt.


    Then imagine picking up the water vapor which is in the atmosphere and which will form into a hurricane shortly. It has not formed into the hurricane yet. You are tasked to collect that vapor energy.


    How would you do it? Would the methods be the same?






    The method of collection of the energy and redirection of it, once the lighting manifest or once the hurricane is in progress is a different yogic subject.