This is great insight. It follows a similar theme of realizations previously revealed by Swami Rama through madhva’s notes. Eventhough in his case, when he was installed as the Shakaracharya of Karvirpitham, he realized that tending to seekers consumed time that could be otherwise dedicated to practice. So he aborted the whole mission, and went into hiding to continue his practice. However, after completing some austerities, he was still later required to teach many students and established an institution.
It seems that some yogis are fated to go through this experience regardless of the logical complications it may present. Perhaps in some cases, the implications are clouded by the desire for fame or to be a guru even. There’s also factors like cultural superstitions in yogic sects that influence certain actions. These yogic sects are not immune to these flaws. Why else would a successful yogi promise masses of people that their karmas will be absorbed by some grandiose personality? When did nature ever guarantee such a thing?
Nevertheless, it is a blessing to be able to learn from these successful yogis. It is a warning about the consequences of adopting a missionary approach to yoga, rather than prioritizing the upgrade of one’s own psyche.