LinkedIn Response
As usual, Michael, I find your experiences, and the marvelous way you express them, to be very engrossing.Could the complete darkness of Consciousness, you experienced, be its negative aspect, what might be called the "Void of Nihilism" as opposed to its positive aspect, cognized as a "Plenum" ----but still a "Void?"Here, would we be obliged to keep in mind that the Observing is also an element of the very same Consciousness being observed?Unless, of course, that which is observing is Prior to, and the Source of, Consciousness Itself; but, that is probably unlikely because Noumenal Awareness (Source) is totally passive and has no mechanism to do anything----even to witness? But, in its melieu, witnessing of Consciousness, both its negative and positive aspects, happens to It, meaning that the gifted Yogi is still, then, in some State of Consciousness, and can maintain volition of movement?As you know, Michael, I have no training in Yoga, but find your abilities, as a Yogi, more than just fascinating.Did your own light, as Consciousness, reflect even a glimmer onto the surface of the darkness, or were you observing----only, from another, perhaps superior, dimension?Nice to read you again. Namaskar, Nirguna
Mi~Beloved’s Reply:
I would say that the complete darkness of Consciousness, I experienced, was its negative aspect, what might be called the "Void of Nihilism"
I agree that the Observing is also an element of the very same Consciousness being observed without out parting where the consciousness is indivisible and still had self-observations?
Yes, and the Noumenal Awareness (Source) is totally supportive but passive and has no mechanism to do anything----even to function as a primal urge.
Strange enough, in this experience, there was no light, not even a glimmer. The observation occurred as mentioned without contrast like a shadow of ghost ship on a dark moon night where the shadow has no register because of lacking contrast.