Comment to 'Breath infusion / Pranayama Indoors: Danger?'
    • Michael Beloved Kicking them to the curb could have serious negative karma backlash.

      Kicking anyone to the curb, human or animal could have serious negative karmic backlash but where does that end? How far should that go?
      Have you read Bhagavad Gita which is one of the major text on yoga, where Krishna told Arjuna to face relatives in battle and which resulted in the deaths of many of those relatives. 
      Was Krishna a crazy loon who did not understand the consequential laws of transmigration?

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Full disclosure, I have two dogs, and to kick them out of the house due to lazy owner hygiene sounds cruel and ignorant. Yes throw away a nasty carpet. But a helpless loving family pet? Shame on you for suggesting this. Mr. Beloved, don't forget we are all one in this universe. "Get rid of animals " Please. Get off your high ego of a pedestal.

      What about Buddha, Mr. Duclos, he left aside his wife and young son, his parents, his government responsibilities to isolate himself to find enlightenment. 
      Were they of less value than pets?
      Was he cruel and ignorant? 

    • Maria Moscato

      Maria Moscato Hello! I am new to the discussion. I am an artist and yoga practitioner. I am currently doing the teacher training to be a Kundalini yoga teacher so have been reading a lot on the subject of the different layers to our being. I definitely agree deep breathing exercises are healthier outdoors in a non-polluted area-obviously not sitting out on one's terrace in the city center and breathing in combustion,
      I would like more information on the souls of animals. I have two cats and am a lover of all creatures. I have heard that animals strive in this life to be humans in the next. While humans strive to be angels in the next life. Can I have some feedback please?

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Maria Moscato,
      I would like more information on the souls of animals. I have two cats and am a lover of all creatures. 

      Try to see this:
      animal = bare self + mental faculties + emotional faculties +body type

      in Sanskrit the approximate terms are:

      bhuta = atma + buddhi + kundalini/indriyas + sharira

      The basic difference between one species and another is the body type, which causes one species to have particular advantages in particular environments.

      If the bare self (atma) is person (purusha), then the animal is a person, which bring the question of why it is limited if it is the equivalent of a person. 

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved First of all we began with the assumption that the human only is the person. If we abandon that definition, and accept that the body type either suppresses or expresses the person, we could understand that due to the particular body type, the person in the cat body is suppressed because that body limits its expression, while the person in the human body is expressed because that type of body facilitates personality display.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved I have heard that animals strive in this life to be humans in the next. 
      Maybe not every animal but the so called domesticated animals because of proximity to human lifestyle and also because of rendering service to humans, develop the need to be in human bodies and make inroads into human wombs through their service to human beings as draught animals and as pets.

      The so called wild animals which are leading predators, ones like lion and eagle develop the desire because they are always planning to be in the top position as exploiters of everything else, just as the humans are expert at doing.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved While humans strive to be angels in the next life. Can I have some feedback please?

      Humans, some humans, strive to be in some types of heavenly life which is free of negative traumas. Thus they adopt morality (dharma), affection (bhakti), austerity (tapa) and philosophy (vada). The cultivation of these qualities is supposed to qualify one to go to a higher place (loka).

    • Franck Montoro