Comment to 'Breath infusion / Pranayama Indoors: Danger?'
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    • nicholas burgin
       Only that which you allow to affect you will. It is probably not ideal to breathe in anything negative, but if you keep positive and have a strong intention then really almost nothing can harm you, or your health. It is mind over matter. We are made in God's image and can do a lot more than we think, If we want to. It is the reason people began blessing food and drink, as doing so can change it's frequency and make it better or no longer having a negative impact to you, or at least as much. A good thing to consider in a world full of pesticides and gmos ;) with that said we should try to limit as much negative resistance to ourselves as possible in order to more easily obtain the results we want and have our biomechanics tuned up. But also, if you are a spiritual person and practice these things, then I don't see why you already wouldn't consider yourself to be greater and more powerful than that. I have lived places with the black plague running rampant and am fine. I am never sick. However, my methods are not typical. 

      I just wanted to remind people that intention is the most powerful energy in the universe, and if you can erase fear and doubt then nothing can hold you back. Don't let the small things get in your way.

    • Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini)

      Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini) Excellent post Michael Beloved. Due to your specific teachings, I learned to take my asana/pranayama practice outside and its been one of the most important changes I made to my spiritual life. Mind over matter only goes so far when it comes down to the real science of yoga, this isn't new age philosophy we are working with here. The fresh air that the Goddess has provided for our practice is not to be dismissed as optional. It is essential. Without fresh air, the whole yoga program is dangerously compromised and could go in a dark direction without intention. Considering what i'll call, 'traditional environmental hygiene' in India its no wonder yogis went up into the mountains to get a little fresh air for liberation sake!

    • Sherron Varela

      Sherron Varela This discussion is very interesting. I have noticed a difference in the air quality in my apartment lately, with the heat on, more dust - I definitely feel it more while practicing. In the process of cleaning. Unfortunately for me, practicing outside is not an option.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Sherron Varela,
      By all means one should try to live in a place where there is access to being outside the practice when the weather if favorable, either a balcony or back yard. But there is such a think as fated circumstance. And that changes from time to time, so that if one gets ideal living circumstance, one would appreciate it even more once one leaves one that is unfavorable.
      Good luck!

    • dr sukhraj dhillon

      dr sukhraj dhillon Very interesting and informative discussion. We can't ignore the importance of breathing fresh air. I have backyard with trees and grass and also keep windows partially open. I keep heating to the minimum. But to continue breathing exercises is very important to correct poor breathing habits. Poor breathing is to low energy as bad air filter is to low car performance.

    • Chiorean Natalia

      Chiorean Natalia Yes is true !

    • Tommy Duclos

      Tommy Duclos Pets like dogs and cats are second density souls. Kicking them to the curb could have serious negative karma backlash. Full disclosure, I have two dogs, and to kick them out of the house due to lazy owner hygiene sounds cruel and ignorant. Yes throw away a nasty carpet. But a helpless loving family pet? Shame on you for suggesting this. Mr. Beloved, don't forget we are all one in this universe. "Get rid of animals " Please. Get off your high ego of a pedestal.

    • Dr. Surendra Nundoo

      Dr. Surendra Nundoo Pranayama is still good near trees ,lake and mountain at early dawn [ Brahma Muhurta as it is said ] 
      This would be ideal in big polluted countries but not in practice !
      Living with Ayurveda may be a Gold benchmark .

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Tommy Duclos,
      Pets like dogs and cats are second density souls. 

      I beg to disagree. Pets like dogs and cats are same density souls with same potential opportunities as humans. Atma is basically the same whereby humans and animals have difference mainly in the casing and not in the spiritual contents. Pets are same density souls. In this usage soul means the subtle body actually because it is the subtle body of the atma (core self) which moves from physical form to physical form (transmigration) and which adapts to the type of form it is attracted to on the basis of its developed habits.

    • Michael Beloved