Comment to 'Breath infusion / Pranayama Indoors: Danger?'
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    • Michaela Turner, MA

      Michaela Turner, MA Thank you for this, Michael Beloved. In the past, when I participated in Art of Living Sudarshan Kriya Yoga in a carpeted room, with only one window slightly cracked for fresh air, I found that I felt much worse. The leader would not honor my request to open more windows. I stopped going. Thank you again for your article. It explained a lot. (PS I do miss the powerful group breath work.)

    • Dr. Shelley Leutschaft

      Dr. Shelley Leutschaft This make sense, although I live in farm country and there are many molds outdoors.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Dr. Dr. Shelley Leutschaft,
      Molds outdoors and dormant viruses floating about or coming from northern regions and coming alive in warmer chimes is a problem. The problem is that it is difficult to see, hear or touch pathogens. They are usually realized after one is infected as for instance when one realizes that one has a flu or the body exhibits allergies after a session of breath infusion outdoors.

      But the solution is not to run indoors unless that environment is clean of the same or other disease causes. I recommend that in freezing weather, one should practice in a room which has limited outdoor air access with a heater in the room running through the session. The window should be opened as wide as necessary. In freezing temperature the air is so compressed that sometimes even a pin crack will provide enough compressed cold air which will expand once it enters the room which is heated.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved In a tropical climate if one senses that the outdoors have infectious bugs, one may skip practice on the days when one feels that one would inhale the pathogens when doing kapalabhati/bhastrika pranayama because during those sessions, one may absorb one hundred times (100 X) more air than would be from normal involuntary breathing which means that many more times of the pathogens.

      There is no room for superstition feeling that because it is yoga or because it is pranayama it cannot be harmful.
