Comment to 'Sort the Mind's Contents'
    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini) ,the removing or separating from what .You are saying separating from SAVRUPA,where as it is from CHITTA .That is my objection . SAVRUPA is pure uncontaminated .You must say separating vrittis from mind /Chitta and not from Savrupa or soul .You are trying to blame me and not accepting your mistake/blunder .
      Krishna in Bhagwat Gita tells Arjuna about ATAMA which is beyond birth and death .

    • Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini)

      Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini) Raj Raj Kumar Dham- Not sure I can help you anymore Raj, I've said all I can. You won't acknowledge the obvious. Take care!

    • Iwona Roslonek, MEcon, CMA CPA

      Iwona Roslonek, MEcon, CMA CPA False self-appointed gurus should be avoided as they twist yoga into something it is not and mislead those who seek guidance. Brahman is all there is. You cannot separate your Self. You can only remove the veil of your ignorance or false identity. Until that time confusion rules while you enjoy wearing your labels of “guru” or “yogini” spreading misinformation. That is not helpful.

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham Thanks Iwona Roslonek, MEcon, CMA CPA .Everything we see got manifested from Brahman or Pure Conciousness.
      In the beginning there was AKASHA (SPACE) and with the interaction with PRANA (unifying energy ) everything got manifested.

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham Brahman /Conciousness in broder sense is PRANA /KI/Chi

    • Iwona Roslonek, MEcon, CMA CPA

      Iwona Roslonek, MEcon, CMA CPA Raj Kumar Dham you know yoga. It should not be twisted. Om Tat Sat, Om that is the absolute reality. It is all that is. Supreme Absolute Truth. The Living Force. Pure Consciousness. The Brahman. The One without the second. As manifested in you and me and everyone and everything. This is the essence of Gita. This is the essence of Patanjali yoga Sutras. That is YOGA. Unity in diversity. Shakti (the energy) and Shiva (consciousness) united.

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham Om Tat Sat . Sachidananda = Sat+ Chit + Ananda .

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham Michael Beloved ,what you have described is CHITTA and mind is just a part of it ,
      Swami Vivekananda ji in his book “Conquering the Internal Nature Raja Yoga “ has talked about Prana And The Psychic Prana 
      The aim of Pranayama is to rouse the coiled-up powerin the Muladhara,called the Kundalini.
      Everything that we see ,or imagine ,or dream ,we have to perceive in space ,This is the ordinary space ,called the Mahaakasha,or elemental space .When the Yogi reads the thoughts of other men ,or perceives super sensuous objects ,he sees them in another sort of space called the Chitta-Akasha,the mental space .When the perception has become objectless ,and the soul shines in its own nature ,it is called the Chidakasha or knowledge space .When the Kundalini is aroused and enters the canal of the Sukshamana,all the perceptions are in the mental space .When it has reached that end of the canal which opens out into the brain ,the objectless perception is in the knowledge space .

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham As you have also indicated that Mind Cleansing/ Purification is very important.
      When Prof K N Krishnaswamy and my self were developing BMP ( Body Mind Programming) ,which is accessing our Inner Computer or the Power Within and then Programming it to achieve goals or Creating Future .We realised the importance of Purification of Heart and Cleansing of the Mind and did research in this and developed systematic methodology for it .
      Our Heart Centre or Anahata Chakra is important and we worked on activating it and developed BMP Kriya .

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham You have named as Sorting the Mind Content- great .