Comment to 'Sort the Mind's Contents'
    • Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini) Raj Kumar Dham - We separate the core-self (spiritual person, atma) from the vrittis. 
      In verse three Patanjali confirms this by stating: "Then the perceiver is situated in his own form - svarupe.

      When we separate from the vrittis we open up a possibility of connecting harmoniously with higher energies or persons. 

      Do you not experience this? 

      In some cases when a person achieves this they sense a connection with spiritual energies or dimensional environments, not actual people.

      In more advanced cases when separation occurs, an experience of not just a spiritual environment but also individual spiritual people living within that energy takes place. 

      Currently we may achieve momentary states of freedom or separation from the vrittis, but then we resume them again, don't we?

      Therefore I approve of the word separation because until you no longer resume usage of any vrittis whatsoever and you are liberated, then you will have to practice separating from them again and again. 

    • Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini)

      Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini) Raj Raj Kumar Dham - 

      Study of Vedic cosmology can help one understand the hierarchy of Deities and energetic locations/dimensions/lokas we may achieve through Patanjali's separation program. 

      That is, if you are not experiencing these things in meditation.

      But since you asked the question I will assume you are not.

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham Neither the Seperation takes place nor the Union takes place but the SHIFT takes place in awareness.
      Due to that shift “then the perceived is situated in his own form —swarupa SATCHITANAND 
      The person is alive and all the inputs from the senses are taking place but these inputs are not creating any ripples in chitta and due to that Nirodha is there .

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini) Atama is beyond Vrittis ,virittis are modifications of the mind and not of the atama ,where is the question of separating the atama from the soul .

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham PS typo automatic mistake read as “where is the question of separating the atama from the vrittis “

    • Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini)

      Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini) Raj Kumar Dham - 

      Considering verse three, are you really saying that Patanjali's meaning of svarupe is 'mind'?

      I disagree. 

      I think svarupe is the soul, not the mind. 

      Svarupe is the core self, or spiritual person.

      I disagree with you notion that the mind does not effect the soul.

      Krishna says there are two types of souls, affected and unaffected.

      Raj, maybe you are so unaffected you cannot see Patanjail's point and forgot that there are other types of souls. 

      It would be good for you to check Yoga Sutras Chapter 2 Verses 23-25. 
      He discusses in detail the conjunction between the individual self and the psychological energies.

      He says this conjunction is based on ignorance and that the elimination of the conjunction is the withdrawal, that is the TOTAL SEPARATION of the PERCEIVER, from the MUNDANE PSYCHOLOGY. 

      That perceiver is the svarupe, the atma, the individual spirit.

      Thanks for all the comments
      OM TAT SAT

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini) 
      I have not said that savrupa is mind .
      It is the self .
      One is not able to see or feel the self due to the ripples rising in the mind (Vrittis ) .
      Vrittis are created by the mind not by the self . Vrittis are modifications of the mind and not the self .I am very very clear about this .

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham Swami Vivekanand ji has very nicely described this by taking the mattafer of the lake .
      Bottom of the lake is self .Due to mud one is not able to see it .If you throw a stone it creates ripples in the water and then one is not able to see the bottom ( self ) .
      If one removes the mud and ripples are not there one can see the SELF.
      Ripples are like virritis .When the virritis are not there one will see the SELF.
      Yogas Chittavritti Nirodha .

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham Self is always pure the Vrittis in the Chitta are hiding the self like dust on the mirror .The moment you remove the dust the self ( savrupa) is visible .

    • Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini)

      Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini) Raj Kumar Dham - 

      You're almost getting it. 
      You used the word REMOVE. 
      That is another way of saying separate.

      Don't forget about Krishna informing us about the two types of souls: 
      Affected and Unaffected. 

      You don't seem to really listen Raj, only to react/reply.