Comment to 'Sort the Mind's Contents'

    • Raj Kumar Dham Mind Cleansing or Heart Purification is most important and essential.Any Meditation must have methods for it .There are many practices for this and in BMP (Body Mind Programming ) which is a meditative method we have developed methods/practices for Mind Cleansing and Purification of the heart .

    • Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini)

      Erinn Earth ~ (devaPriya Yogini) Thank you for such clear instruction. All organization begins and ends with sorting things out.

    • Raj Kumar Dham

      Raj Kumar Dham That's wonderful but I have observed that in majority of the Yoga Studios ( calling yoga centre a studio is not that good ) the emphasis is not on purification of heart .
      Many of the people who claim of Kundalini awakened have power but heart is not fully pure .

    • Paul Vas

      Paul Vas So nice to read.. I find repeating a mantra or a charged word like "OM" helps to focus attention and calms one into a mindfulness state.

    • Gail Cooney

      Gail Cooney Our Soles and our Souls! Even though our practice area is called a Studio;-) purification of thought and heart is practised via Bhuta Shuddhi... I learnt these techniques in Swasthya Yoga. This same lightness of being is "unveiled" in White Tantra.. I am not a qualified Kundalini Instructor, but from my experiences of White Tantra, 6 days, the emphasis is on purification...The result is bliss, it shines out of every cell, especially the eyes, transforms the local environment and alters life!! Grace and Gratitude..

    • Avau Neueli

      Avau Neueli preparation - yamas and niyamas to be in a way so one can be stable come to a place of allow what needs to release be...

    • Muz Murray

      Muz Murray Nice simile, Michael, but not as a 'container'. That's giving 'mind' more reality than it is. Mind is not a thing, but a sporadic thought-flow and has no reality in itself. That becomes evident when watched from the position of the Observer.

    • Michael Beloved

      Michael Beloved Muz Murray
      Thanks for sharing your experience. Mine is different where the mind (manas) is a container, just as the physical body had contents. Mind is also real to me. It is not a sporadic thought-flow but is a container (psychic one) in which sporadic thought-flows occur like a sky in which sporadic clouds appear and disappear.
      To me, mind is not a thing, not a physical thing but a psychic thing which is real. The observer watches what happens in that psychic container and is one of the psychic components in the container.
      However, your experience of this is duly noted by me. Thanks!

    • Denise Oosterbaan

      Denise Oosterbaan Maybe it's a suggestion to talk about fluidity in mind's appearance. Attention, listening and awareness and intention related to responsibility co-creating with the universal oneness. Thank you for all your input, very inspiring to consider.

    • Ajit Kumar Das

      Ajit Kumar Das Thoughts r flow in mind. Thought is ocean but mind small pond. Cleaning is like stabilising