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Zonal Kundalini Arousal

Zonal Kundalini Arousal

Zonal kundalini is different from the conventional spinal chakra kundalini arousal. The chin lock (neck lock) is effective in assisting to guide kundalini through the vertebrate in the neck and into the head, where it may continue out of the psyche through either the brow or crown chakra. This results in supernatural perception and/or feelings of the brahman spiritual effulgence atmosphere.


Zonal kundalini uses the reverse neck lock which results in the routing of the infused breath energy to cell or organ zones of the body, particularly the trunk. By doing the reverse neck lock during bhastrika/kapalabhati pranayama breath infusion, kundalini loses interest in coursing through the sushumna nadi spinal passage. Instead it is attracted to the area where the infused energy accumulates. It goes there and consumes the accumulated charge of energy which results in an arousal with bliss bursts in that part of the subtle body.

In one such arousal, there was shimmering electrical buttons around the nipples in the chest. This was with bliss feelings. It spread through the shoulders into the arms, forearms and fingers with dangling white translucent energy.

Backward neck lock should be practiced only after the yogi masters the chin lock or the conventional neck lock. This is because with backward neck lock there is the likelihood that the yogi’s awareness will become subjective where he will lose control of the physical body, in which case it may fall to the ground and be damaged.

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