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Yogic Contraception

As to the matter of how parents can circumvent the begetting process of Nature, the question is regarding what to do if you have a child (children) and do not want to have any more or want to stagger the children’ births so that there are years after each delivery of an infant.

In the animal kingdom, each species must comply with whatever timing Nature decrees. This is because the animals have no way of using contraceptives to bar or inhibit pregnancies. This means that Nature does not intent to allow freewill decisions.

When an entity finds itself to be a physical body, that entity discovers itself with certain abilities and the lack of certain controls. In the modern situation, however, human beings who are part of the animal kingdom, discovered ways of blocking pregnancies. For instance, males may use a process of extraction of their genitals from a female orifice just before those males would release female fluids into the female passage. Can a bull or billy goat do this?

Extraction of male organ before ejection of sperm, is a simply act. Yet we do not find the lower animals carrying out that action. In the human society, there are liabilities for pregnancies. These cause the males and females to think hard about contraceptives. However, there is another aspect which most humans overlook, which is the reaction from Nature if one effectively blocks a pregnancy. There is, also, the social mores to be considered. In some societies, some person in power may created and enforce laws to penalized would-be parents for interfering with Nature’s begetting process.

The extraction process has a down side to it, where the female involved may be dissatisfied by the action because it would end the sequence of events such that the female may be unhappy due to not enjoying the activity sufficiently at that time.

Should a yogi/yogini use another means of contraception?

What a question?

Only a fool would answer that. Who wants to be responsible for advising someone in some issue which Nature watches closely and penalizes if it runs contrary to Nature’s idea.

And yet, I was questioned about this. I should give some advice, risking myself in the process.

Here are some ifs.

If a parent takes a surgery which causes the body to become incapable of contributing either sperm or egg towards a pregnancy, that parent would be blocking at least one ancestor, a person who is disembodied and who has rights to rebirth. What to do?

That is the question?

Who could safely contain the karmic reaction?

Such an action may not cause the reduction of sexual desire. In fact it may increase that, which would result in more frequent sexual release in one way or the other, tormenting that person whose body became incapable to contributing to the formation of a fetus.

If a parent takes an action with medication which makes the body hostile to sperm or ovum, then for that day or week, an ancestor would be frustrated in trying to have an embryo. Who would have to absorb the frustration and/or disappointment of the ancestor who was frustrated? Who has the right to encourage this type of contraceptive action.

According to the medical information, a woman who bottle-feeds the child, will resume ovulation in 15 weeks (a little over 3 months) after delivering a child. This means that such a woman has a grace period of only 15 weeks before her body will be ready to produce another infant.

In comparison if the child is breast-fed, the lady will take 36 weeks on the average before he body will produce another child. But this is an average. The fact is that it may be between 15-66 weeks, depending on the genetic attitude of the mother’s body. That varies as per the individual with every woman have a different rate when checked.

What is the best course to prevent a pregnancy early on if one wants to have other children but do not want them rapidly as Nature would have it. The old recommendation is abstinence. But that is impractical in most cases because of the compulsion for sexual intercourse.

What should one do?

Reduce sexual stimulation

Reduce viewing sexual media

If proximity increases sexual arousal, sleep in separate rooms.

Let the infant which was recently born be the conjoint focus of the parents and not the parents themselves. Instead of focusing on each other, each parent should focus on the child (children) and guide their affectionate energies and nurturing needs to the child and not to each other, nor to someone else.

Affection and nurture quickly convert into sexual attraction, in the nick of time. A yogi/yogini should be aware of them and act in a social way which does not easily permit that conversion to take place.

I cannot recommend contraceptive methods unless I want to be responsible for giving the advice. Since I am disinclined to absorbing negative reactions, I am useless in this regard.

However, the information above may be useful to some ascetics. More or less, Nature has the situation covered. I could not find a loophole which I could utilize and safely consent to.

Currently the society is not designed to support abstinence. There is that question as to why I recommended that. The answer is that despite the lack of support, that is the only method that makes sense but even that method has flaws in it.

Any type of contraception is a violent act to the perspective person(s) who would have a body if that abstinence did not take place. However, in the case of abstinence the would-be parent is not enjoying the reproductive energies in a sexual intercourse and then not raising progeny which would result. In other words, the parents are not taking the enjoyment-payment and will incur less unwanted reactions as a result.

In terms of negative returns, abstinence is the best method. If you cannot do it, if it is impossible in your case, then the choice is yours about another method. But certainly, I would imperil myself if I suggested an alternate method.

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