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Yogi Prepping for Transmigration

A yogi should prepare for transmigration, for being deprived of physical opportunity. The earth is all about physical history and the part one may play in that. It could be to make a global impact or national one. It could be some significance in a village or family. Somewhere somehow one has this urge to be somebody either at home, in the office or internationally.

The fulfillment from that, feeds the need to make an impact on history, to put one’s dent on the physical world. Death deprives one of the opportunity. In that sense death is detested. Hardly anyone welcomes it.

The physical world is so important to most beings, that even the ones who have some idea about a life hereafter, contradict themselves, and make no preparation for the hereafter existence, which they will be restricted to, once the physical body dies.

Currently one has the luxury of a physical body which is used to escape from the astral side of life one encounters daily in dreams. How will one use that physical access once the physical body is dead. One will be deprived of the physical opportunities.

But is one prepared for only having psychic capacity, where there is no direct physical access? What are the rules on the psychic side? In the physical world, one is trained initially to behave in an approved way. The parents (guardians) provide the orientation. Teachers too, indoctrinate one. One is told, “do this,” “never do that.”

But who will train one in how to maneuver on the psychic side when one is no longer facilitated with physical participation?

In the physical existence, there is a need to query about everything. Questions are produced at every instance. People encourage this. But such an approach is not welcomed on the astral side. A yogi should self-train so that his/her astral body does not develop the habit of asking questions. On the astral side it is best if one does not inquire of anyone. Instead, one should allow others to express themselves, and only for as much as the other person willingly does so.

If one has a need for information from someone, and if that person does not volunteer that news without being asked, one should not query or suggest that it should be told.

We have many habits which we use on this physical side of life but which are unfavorable on the psychic level. One should train the psyche to abandon the unwanted behaviors when it is focused on the astral side and communicates with others there. This is part of the preparation for being satisfied with what one will be when the physical body dies.

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