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Yogi Hideout

Sometimes it becomes necessary for a yogi to hideout psychically. This is done to protect the yogi from associations which if completed would pull the yogi into lower levels of consciousness or lower realms of being.



Levels of consciousness may occur while the yogi uses a physical body and is physically attentive. He could respond physically but his mentality may be on some other level of awareness where he is affected by adverse association there.


Lower realms of being are actual places in the astral existence. The yogi may access these while being aware of his subtle body or even while using his physical form and experiencing split awareness, being partially perceptive of an astral level and partially aware of what takes place physically.


Why would a yogi hide from others in the first place?


Should a yogi not be glad to associate with others whom he can assist?


Those yogis who aspire to transit to higher levels of awareness while using a physical body and those who desire to permanently shift to higher psychic environments when the physical access is terminated, should by all means avoid any associations which produce negative states of awareness or which cause the astral body to become aware of lower astral realms.


After death of the physical form, a yogi may not be relieved from lowering associations of those who are embodied or of those who also only have subtle bodies. A yogi may still be harassed by earth bound, materially-addicted entities who procure his association through psychic access.


A departed yogi may be pulled in undesirable astral locales by consequential energies which hold a power over him because of cultural activities which he completed or left undone in the physical world. Such energy abounds in all directions. It lures a yogi so that he would again come out in the physical existence as a crying baby where he would report to others to whom he is obligated because of social services which they rendered to him in a past life on earth. When captured by these energies, the yogi is hypnotized and directed to act in a way which is detrimental to the yogic aims.


If he can, a yogi would do well to avoid such energies hereafter. He should slip into hidden dimensions where he cannot be reached by the earth-bound people. It should be to them that he simply does not exist or that he died and became a nothing hereafter. This would cause them to forget him and to seek relationships with others who would give them the services they expected from the yogi.

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