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Yogi Arrested by Ancestors

A short time ago, a friend called to express concern over my poverty-stricken condition. He had some solutions and wanted to get more information about my financial and residential position at this time of the life of my body which is seventy-two (72) years of age.

This is hilarious because the controller of my life is Nature itself, not even God. Mostly as humans when we are in crisis, and if we are so inclined to get help from a higher power, one calls on God. If one is a Christian, one calls on Jesus Christ, a dude whose fate of crucifixion of his body, was not to his liking, even though there is a claim in the books about him, that he transcended the experience and escaped in a supernatural format which was a heavenly body.

Others from other religions, project that they will be in the company of a big Whig deity who to their belief is God or is just below God. Then other humans who think that any idea about God is bunkum, project their ideas about merging into a super energy where they will not have to deal with Nature’s whimsical shifting up and down, in and out, unacceptable events.

So, for you it may be something or someone else but to me from what I witnessed so far, it is that my life is controlled by Nature which is more than a physical power, which has a psychic counterpart.

But a friend called and he brought it to my attention that something should happen to adjust my situation.

What a joke!

As he proposed some suggestions which sounded reasonable, I looked to see how Nature regarded what he said. And I noticed that Nature did not budge. It showed absolutely no interest in any of his proposals. It remained dead on center, on target, to deal out to me whatever it felt was due. Seeing that I quietly asked my friend to desist, because his considerations if he persisted would cause him damage, as soon as he would take himself seriously and feel that he could make some adjustment.

So, I am in a maximum-security prison with a life sentence. I am getting one slice of molded bread every day. I am getting a teaspoon of water. My mattress is made out of a concrete slab. The book I am allowed to read is about Europe in the Dark Ages, at a time when there was a pandemic plague.

And somebody, some compassionate idiot, thinks that he can adjust the situation. He thinks that this is unfair, that this is cruel and unacceptable. But otherwise, I am thinking that this is perfect. If someone does not cooperate with his fate, then what will happen. You tell me about it.

Whatever someone sends to me has to go to the prison officials before I can utilize it. And what usually happens is that if someone sends a pound of sugar. The officials will put one grain of it in my teaspoon of water. The remaining portion they take and do what as they desire. As soon as I get something in the mail, they give me a fragment of it and take the rest to pay some damage which they say I committed when I was on the outside as a so-called free citizen. And supposedly I have millions of dollars to pay in liability to people on the outside, so there is no scope that I will ever get more than a grain of sugar for every pound sent to me.

And then last night in the wee wee hours of the morning, after doing an hour session of breath infusion and two hours of meditation for developing the divine eye, I had an encounter with some relatives. At first it was with a deceased relative who was involved in my upbringing. This person already took a physical body and has a family. And yet, her subtle body is after me. It assumed the format it had when I was a child and it contributed to my upbringing.

We were in a spacious house in Guyana. We did not live in such a house but in the astral existence, this person upgraded the living conditions to make a more comfortable life, as if she replayed our life, upgrading everything to reasonable standards.

This elder in that astral body which is different to her current form, was worried about my future, as parents usually are about their children and grandchildren.

After a time of her being so concerned and with my attitude that there was no need for such anxiety, another relative appeared with her daughter. This other relative is a sibling to my current body. This one took me aside from the elderly one mentioned. What happened is that the ancestral energy of concern for my upbringing was transferred from the elderly person to this sibling.

In the astral situation, this sibling was with a daughter who has a successful career. As soon as they came to me, this daughter who did not recognize me left. Then this sibling caused us to be in a large hall which was part of a cathedral system. She instructed me to stand near a desk. She went to another part of the complex and returned with an official of the place.

He wanted to know what I need. Then he said that lodging was available and that I should declare what I could or could not afford, which was necessary before I could get a degree in some subject so that I would have a decent acceptable lifestyle in my adult years. The astral body I used was about sixteen (16) years of age.

The man then showed that there were excess beds available. Then he wanted to know how much fish I would eat. He lifted some salmon from a deep container to show that food was abundant.

The idea was that I could complete my high school and then go to college and get a professional degree, so that my standard of living would be up to par, and I would no longer be a nobody in society.

Somehow after this, the power to hold my body in that situation, was relaxed. I then left that place. I considered if I would publish this. someone may benefit to understand the power of the ancestors, not just over the physical body but even over the subtle form. And some ancestor from early on who contributed to one’s up bringing may still have power over the body one uses and can command it for a time based on that person’s idea of how one’s life should develop, as to what one should do for a living and how one should conduct oneself in the adult years.

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