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Yoga Teacher / Resentment Absorption

A certain amount of resentment will reach the yoga teacher if he or she does any alteration in the lifestyle of the student. Even if the student willing adjust the lifestyle, still the teacher will have to absorb some resentment, because material nature has blow-back for anything which is altered in a direction which nature itself would not have normally evolved.


There are many hot-rod yoga teachers who are out to save the world, or to cause salvation via yoga practice for any and everyone. Most of these instructors are terribly naive and miscalculate the blow-back they will receive from material nature. They feel that they can alter people using yoga and that this is the end of the story. They do not calculate the responses of material nature and the fact that any interference into anyone’s lifestyle which is not in the direction nature intended will be met with resistance and undesirable blow-back energies. This is due to a gung-ho attitude of these teachers.


Just as teenagers who get new cars might gun those vehicles at alarming speeds in a residential area, so these teachers with full confidence go about changing the lifestyles of students without considering the blow-back. And just as excited teenagers are sometimes arrested by police for going beyond the speed limit and driving recklessly, so these teachers act and then regret it later when their lifestyle adjustments cause unfavorable complications for themselves and their students.




What I really want to address in this article however is that the blow-back negatively impacts the meditation practice of the teacher, so that he or she finds that the meditation sessions are of a lower quality and that progress made is lost.


It does not matter if one is doing the student good or bad, nature is not concerned with that. So long as there will be a change in the lifestyle which is not what nature intended, is not what nature would have done in that student normally, there will be blow-back.


Hence, teachers should be prepared for this and should only influence the lifestyle of the student in so far as the teacher can safely absorb the blow-back. If I influence just a little, I will get a little negative energy and resistance in return but if I influence in a big way, I will for sure get a large negative return which might even ground me and greatly curtail my practice.


There are many students who want to make rapid progress and who after hearing of the method of doing so, are willing to comply by instituting on themselves radical lifestyle changes. But this does not mean that these students can take the blow-back from material nature for making these changed. It does not mean that these students have the wherewithal, the internal tolerance of depressive energy, the absorptive power to take the resistance and resentment, which will manifest in their psyches as a result.


This really means that the teacher who recommended will have to carry a portion, even a larger portion in some cases, of the blow-back.

Is the teacher prepared for this?

Does the teacher merely have fantasy ideas about his or her influence over student lifestyles?

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