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Yoga / Mystic Arresting Actions

Muscular locks, antics and flare positions (bandhas & mudras) combined with breath infusion and introspective are used in kundalini yoga practice for igniting, directing and absorbing the kundalini life force. This is contrasted to random experiences with kundalini or to sexual pleasure surges in which the flash of kundalini may be observed dispassionately by a yogi.



At first when doing kundalini yoga, it is important to apply the muscular locks and to be internally observant of the energy flashes and movements. If the yogi fails to do this, the aroused kundalini may go in any direction and will not remain centralize in the sushumna nadi central passage. There are certain energy routes in the psyche which are maintained as a matter of course because of the central nervous system.


For instance in sex pleasure experience, the kundalini surges like lightning through special nadi subtle tubes. However in some other experiences when kundalini is aroused suddenly, it may travel in a direction whereby the observing self has no control of it.


In higher yoga, when the focus in the subtle body becomes the habit of the yogi, there is a switch where the muscular contractions lose importance. This is because the yogi focuses in the subtle body and most of the energy of the aroused kundalini no longer desires to go in a random way and does not desire to be resistant to the will of the yogi. At this time the skin of the subtle body is taut and that tautness acts as a lock to keep the kundalini expression under control. In such practice no physical actions are required to keep kundalini under control.

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