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Worlds above the Earth-Enjoyment-Reference Heaven

The astral heaven which most pious human beings may reach hereafter is known in the Vedic literature as the Swarga Angelic Paradise World. It is a heaven, which is regulated by a deity named Indra.


Each religious system on earth may have a heavenly world which is promised for the faithful. Therefore the idea runs that these places are illusion and are based on the hopes and aspiration of limited minds.


However just as on earth we have different religions and different systems of worship of a real or imagined God, so there may well be different astral regions where members of particular religious go after being evicted permanently from their physical bodies.


Do you think that there is a place on earth, where by government laws a person who steals may be punished by hand amputation?

Do you think that there is a place on earth, where a man can have four wives legally?


If you do then it should follow that such social conditions might exist in the astral world.


Critics sometimes scoff when there are reports that Muslim extremists promise their jihadist soldiers that if they die for the cause, they will be transported forthwith to an astral place, a heaven where they will enjoy life with the most beautiful angelic women. Do we think that this is impossible?


If people can carve out a territory or country on earth and make social situations to their liking, then why doubt that it could be done in the astral domains?


A translation of the term Swarga which is the term for a heaven in the Vedic literature would be the earth-enjoyment-reference heaven. This means the place which is paradise as paradise would be defined from earth-enjoyment experiences.


Currently we are limited to that, no matter what we say, conceive of or think. We work from that reference and unless miraculously we get some other sensual experience, our concepts of heaven even if they are gained from writings or words of genuine teachers, is still going to be referenced to what we experience here.


Now and again, but rarely, one of us gets otherworldly experiences. These can give us other-than-earth-enjoyment-references, but otherwise our concepts even if they are of a divine world are still in reference to the earth type enjoyment.


There are so many dogmatic idiots who read about or hear about a spiritual world and who then assume that they know what that is or that they can have full confidence in that. The truth is however that one cannot qualify a confidence in what one has not sensually experienced. This does not mean that one cannot have faith in what someone else’s experience. One sure can but one cannot identify that person’s experience as one’s own.


Stated more precisely, having confidence in a spiritual world which one has not sensually experienced is having confidence in a person who testified about his experience of such a world. It is not factually a direct confidence in that world. It is only an expression of confidence in the person who claimed to experience it.


In doing bhastrika pranayama practice which is followed by meditation, one may experience very high states of consciousness and even supernatural realms of consciousness which are way beyond the earth-enjoyment-reference heaven.


However because these experiences are new and because some are abstract and beyond one’s objective grasp, one may not be able to identify these occurrences. In fact many of these experiences may happen and one may have no idea about what they are.


In the inSelf Yoga process, the key issue is what happens in the psyche which is beyond the normal mind level. There need not be astral travel even, or transits of the subtle body through subtle skies. Instead of going to a faraway dimension using the astral body to hop or transfer, one can upgrade the inside of the psych. This single act can cause an instant transfer. However suppose this happened and one did not realize where one was relocated and did not have a value for the experience due to the inability to recognize that higher level?


The Worlds which are above the earth-enjoyment-reference heaven, but which are below the brahmaloka satyaloka astral place, are the places where siddhas of various types go according to their affiliation with specific deities and spiritual masters. Srila Yogeshwarananda wanted me to divulge information about these places, in reference to how one can experience these locations in meditation just by the upgraded quality of energy in the subtle body.


He said that the yogin in the high end of pranayama breath infusion practice, can tie off at the knee and then draw all energy out of the thighs into the trunk of the subtle body.


When this thigh energy is mixed with the infused breath energy then when the sensations in the thigh are pulled up into the trunk of the subtle body, there arises bunches of clouds of energy here and there. When that energy is mixed further with more breath infused energy, the yogi’s subtle body is transposed to the worlds which are above the earth-enjoyment-reference heaven. But instead of looking around for that heaven, the yogi should remain in the infused energy which will have a bliss feeling which is like mint camphor shimmering in a cloud formation. This will spread here and there in the trunk of the subtle body and into the shoulders of the form and will scatter out feeling cool and also cool/hot.


This will give the yogi an idea about what it is like to be in those worlds which are above the earth-enjoyment-reference heaven. Here the yogi will not be dogmatic speaking about a spiritual world he has not experienced. Here he will sensationally experience not the worlds which are above the earth-enjoyment-reference heaven but the way the subtle body feels for those people who live in that type of world.


If he is fortunate, he will experience this repeatedly until his subtle body has that energy as its content. This will guarantee his transfer to those places after he is fated to pass on from the physical body.

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