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Why we forget past lives?

I was in an astral conversation with Sir Paul a few nights ago. I decided not to write a post about it but then I found an article about dementia and trips to Mars by human beings. See the Link below. This is when I decided to share what the conversation was with Sir Paul.


Sir Paul discovered that some parts of his subtle body seem to be missing. He wanted to know why that happens and how to get that fixed. He also said that some memories were missing and that the area where these memories were located in his psyche seem to have a subtle material which was spongy and had a dense energy instead of coherent sensual information which was stored there before.


After this as we were talking, he suddenly brought up the issue of not seeing the sun in the astral existence during the night time on the physical side of existence. He wanted to do some sun gayatri mantra which is said when the sun is perceptible but since he could not see it, he could not say those prayers.


I then showed him that some of the energy of the sun passes through the dense opaque energy of the earth and that can be seen but a yogi has to be on a different astral level to perceive those darkness piercing sunrays.


The center of the earth has a nuclear furnace which is similar to the one which we experience as the sun but it is a much smaller one. Around this nucleus is the cooled energy, the coolest of which we experience as sea and land. Some of the sun’s energy is so piercing that it passes through the cooled energy and the nucleus. This piercing sun energy can be seen astrally if one is on the night side of the earth, but only if one’s astral body has the ability to see it.


However in the article below there is a discussion about the probably loss of memory which astronauts would have if they went to the Mars and were exposed to certain energy rays in space. Many of these scientific articles could help us to understand what we would face even with astral bodies if we were to try to transit away from the earth and were partially or fully successful in doing that now or hereafter.


And it address the issue of memory loss in the astral body after death.




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