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Whole Subtle Body Kundalini Burst

The whole subtle body kundalini burst is a sure sign of the subtle form being elevated to a higher plane. It shows the yogi that he can in fact move to a higher dimensions with the entire subtle body, rather than project parts of it into a higher place while leaving aside the rest of it on a lower plane, either to be repossessed if his migration to the higher level fails or to be abandoned if he succeeds.


This is not an imagination experience. It is not one in which the yogi tells himself and others that he will become liberated to a higher realm when in fact he does not know what will happen. For instance, we know that the astral body separates from the physical one during the sleeping phases of the physical system. But we also know that even though it separates, that astral form repeatedly becomes resynchronized with the physical one. One has dream experiences in the astral realms but one finds the self identified again with a physical system on a daily basis. This is evidence that a projection to a higher place does not guarantee permanent transit to that place.


How can a yogi be sure that his ascension to a higher place will be final after he is deprived of the physical body at death?


In terms of a yogi who experiences spinal kundalini, can he assure himself and anyone else that at death he will leave through the crown chakra and not return into the subtle body soon after?


To better assure anyone, including the self, one should elevate the entire subtle system by developing whole body or cell kundalini experiences where the entire subtle body or parts of it besides the spine and brain are experienced with higher level energy which corresponds to desirable higher planes.


During a session of breath infusion on May 4, 2019, there was a burst of kundalini from the front bottom of the trunk of the subtle body. This was a bliss yielding experience which was cool/hot simultaneously. It burst in a fan shaped configuration and spread about eight inches upwards in the body, from the front bottom upwards at about a 45 degree angle inwards. It did not expand beyond the subtle body but remained within the psyche.


After this, after another twenty minutes of breath infusion, there was a whole body burst which was spectacular. This had translucent globules of waxy pearl energy with light green, yellow, blue and white cuboid bliss energy which radiated from the bottom upwards through the trunk, gradually pervading the psyche.


It tried to throw the physical body to the ground. It tried to flip the physical system but I did not allow it to do so. This experience has in it, a register of the siddhaloka territory which is above the Swargaloka angelic place. Yogis who attain that realm experience themselves as bliss beings with full pratyahar sensual energy withdrawal happening on a full time basis where there is no attraction to anything outside the psyche because this bliss pleasure is so complete that it arrests their attention, making them oblivious to any other reality.

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