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Who Controls the Body?

The terrible question of who owns or can use the body and for what purpose crops up again and again for those of us who can be honest with ourselves in realizing that many things we do it the body are done involuntary and are done based on the desires of others who appropriate the body for their own purposes.


This does not mean that in all cases, others are deliberate in commandeering the body. Most of it is totally subjective, total subconscious and yet, the effects are definite and play out as real incidences in the physical material environment.


I sat at a table in someone’s house recently. As I sat there doing some work online, I got a strong urge to go to the front section of the premises to look through the window to identity a certain car.


This car belonged to the owner of the house. As per that mental command my body rose from a chair and walked towards the front of the house with intentions of locating that car on the street outside the front windows.


When I got to the windows, the eye looked straight ahead but a compelling force within the mind, swung the head to the right. The eyes looked as per the command, saw the car off to the right and then the body feeling fulfilled turned about and returned to the sitting position to continue the computer work which it did before.


Some five minutes after, my phone rang. It was the owner of the vehicle, saying that the car was parked off to the right; that the keys were on a table; that I could use the car if I desired.


Here it was that a person who offered the use of car, but who in doing so had commandeer my body merely by a thinking process which was transmitted into my psyche and forced my physical form to stop the computer work to identify the care on the street outside the residence.


Who owns the body?

How much power do others have over the body?

Why does the self fail to absolutely control the body.

Why is the self forced on occasion or regularly to move the body about on the basis of whimsical impulses which come from the mind of others?

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