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Video /The hidden brain in your skin




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    • The Skin, its Environment & Psychodermatology

      Evidently she knows a whole lot about the human skin …

      The skin, including the epidermis its upper layer is the largest and fastest growing human organ. Yes, and in particular the hands connect with a triad of the skin as a sensorial organ, the kinetic sense as touch for expression of movement and the mind - intelligence complex as evaluation matrix. Engaging the mind in a mimicking of physical work will connect with the oxygenation pace of the body. Therefore, Embodied Cognition? Hand Movements Sculpt Intelligence

      These advanced and perplexing capabilities of the skin expand human abilities to feel the world, as they are immersed in it and experience it. This gives rise to a higher level of consciousness. Subsequently, Humans are expected to have a higher level of self-awareness as they evolve spiritually. Yet, they are sensual beings and don’t mind indulging in that characteristic.

      Ideally and all things considered, a significant increase in self-awareness improves the radiance of the skin depending on one's genetic disposition and the environment. It shouldn’t be a cosmetically and/ or surgically enhanced glow which can mask personal traumas as well as the resulting trauma to the skin for some time, rather, it will age gracefully.

      The skin can present great particularities among animals as well. The octopus is the closest to an alien species in the sense that through its skin it is capable of seeing as well. A neuron-connectivity of this sort requires genetically specialized cells. In addition, they have a decentralized brain network, all of which require unique adaptions of the skin. Moreover, their skin allows great defense mechanism of camouflage. They are known to be particularly intelligent. Are octopuses smart?

      Anyways most creatures taste through touch to the tongue. Amphibians such as frogs are sensitive enough to be excruciatingly suffering as another side-effect of atmospheric pollution. Their skins were among the first indicators of global deleterious damage to the planet’s state of health. 10,000 "Scrotum Frogs" Die Mysteriously in Lake Titicaca & The Plague Killing Frogs Everywhere Is Far Worse Than Scientists Thought  Humans have it coming next. Clearly bad air is going to show, in more than just the skin. So much for all that potential of the skin.

      Another implication of this is that, how and what you breathe directly affect how you feel, but you need have sufficient sensitivity and conscious awareness to realize this. And, rubbing the skin in a certain way certainly stimulates the flow of some subtle hormonal essences as well as the lymphatic system and much more. So be what you eat, and feel what you breathe.


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