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Video | Hillary Rodham Clinton & Chelsea Clinton - Conspiracy Theories & Impeachment

Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton discuss the wild conspiracy theories that float around the internet and Hillary's familiarity with impeachment proceedings.

Replies (1)
    • Very nice panel. Somebody has got to tell the story!

      She is an intelligent woman with tremendous experience regarding this political scene of the US. But she shouldn’t have called some ever Trumpers “basket of deplorables” even if she thought that, it was a tactical error. The Obama administration wasn’t leaving Putin enough wiggle-room to maneuver with impunity, and he wasn’t going to let her replace him.

      Anyways this looks from bad to worse! The intended target of this Ukrainian corruption were the Biddens, but somehow providence made it now such that he may not be the front runner, what then? Even if Trump made that happen then it backfired at him, because it gave space for the runups to compromise his position in the polls, at this point. 

      In-depth the huge success and continued support for Trump even as a fundamentally corrupt individual to the core tells a lot about the US as a nation in today’s world.

      But that an imbecilic cartoonish character is more appreciated regardless of blithely giving away his nation's hard-earned privileged stature in the World, over his bright and knowingly aware opponent is a sign of the times we live in. The past is gone, the new era is upon us, time to make the necessary mental adjustments needed for transitioning.

      And, finally someone actually is saying it “the US has lost its dominance in the World” they could have stopped with the hypothetical and pathetic tiptoeing from jump street, this is a done deal, we need deal with it!

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