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Vajroli / Sahajoli Skill

Vajroli and Sahajoli are two procedures used by advanced yogis and yoginis to updraw sexual fluids during acts of sexual intercourse. These procedures are condemned kriyas. They were so since they were first introduced by Gorakshnath Mahayogin in the physical world.


In some astral worlds, these are standard procedures but physically they were always suspect and considered to be taboo.


Anything having to do with sexual activities regarding yoga, is considered to be condemned automatically but in the advanced stages of yoga, some yogins find that they must confront and deal with the issue of sex desire and sex involvement.


There are basically two approaches which are

  • self-progression without partnership
  • self-progression with partnership.


Both systems are apt to be faulty because of the technicality of the kriyas involved, whereby the average ascetic may fail to complete the processes to proficiency.



Self-progression without partnership is difficult because it involves total isolation of one yogi or yogini from other persons. In other words, the yogi has to be isolated such that there is no social relationship with anyone else except the yoga guru who teachers the process and a deity. This yogi must also have a clearance from material nature, where it has cleared his consequential equation and is no longer looking to victimize him for act from past lives. If the yogi does not have this waiver, his efforts will fail because material nature will intercept and disrupt the disciplines.


Self-progression with partnership is a hassle because it is difficult for any two individuals to agree wholeheartedly on anything, what to speak on how much sexual involvement there should or should not be. It is understood that self-progression with partnership is a failed enterprise historically, where in the list of siddhas of the Indian or Tibetan listings, there are hardly any such partners. Perhaps there are one or two. Even the gods quarrel with their spouses from time and time, and go into isolation to avoid their spouses for one reason or the other. Hence absolute 100% cooperation for the purpose of liberation and for capping sexual energy is hardly likely for physical body yogis.




I got a kriya from a siddha on the morning of May 31, 2015 but I did not get the name of the siddha, nor even get a good look at his features. I do know however that it was a siddha whom I had not seen recently in this life. He showed me a technique of vajroli which was not discussed in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika of Guruji Swatmarama.


In this other procedure for the males involved in the self-progression with partnership, the male is supposed to uplift the sexual fluids by drawing energy through the pores of the body. He is also not supposed to be concerned with his energy which was emitted but should focus on the energy of the partner involved while pulling that energy through the pores. He is not to pull energy through the standard jet-stream emission.


This siddha said that this is a vajroli used in some of the higher astral levels where partners are working on this kriya. This is a subtle body yoga procedure which he requested me to divulge.


Someone now or in the future, when I am dead and gone, may need this kriya. Thus it is divulged.



If you are not familiar with the verses concerning vajroli/sahajoli from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, read this:

From Chapter 3 (my English translation):

Now the vajroli upward muscular redirection of male sexual emission is described:

Even if the yogi acts whimsically as desired, without respect to the established recommended behaviors for yoga practice, if he practices the vajroli upward muscular redirection of male sexual emission, he qualifies as a person deserving of mystic perfectional skills. (3.83)

In this respect, I will mention two things which are difficult to acquire. Milk is the first, and indeed, a cooperative practicing yogini woman is the second. (3.84)

While in sexual intercourse, if one gradually but thoroughly practices contracting upward, regardless of whether one is a male or female, one would get the yogic perfectional skill which results from upward muscular redirection of male sexual emission. (3.85)

Carefully using a pipe, because of the flow of the air there will be a hissing sound in the uro–genital channel. (3.86)

The reproduction hormone concentrate which is falling into the woman’s vagina should be drawn upward. By pulling upward one’s reproduction hormone concentrate it would be preserved. (3.87)

Thus by fully containing the reproduction hormone concentrate, the master of yoga techniques supersedes death, which comes by ejaculating the concentrate. But by focal containment of the concentrate, one promotes life. (3.88)

Due to the focal containment of the reproduction hormone concentrate, the body of the yogi emits a pleasing fragrance. So long as the concentrate is maintained consistently in the body, there is no fear of death. (3.89)

A male’s semen directly relies on his mento–emotional energy, while his life depends on his semen. Therefore conserve semen and the mind and do so with great effort. (3.90)

He should conserve his own reproduction hormone concentrate and even the female reproductive fluid of one who is menstruating. The master of this yoga technique should efficiently extract upward (the reproductive fluids) through the penis. (3.91)

Now the sahajoli upward muscular redirection of female sexual emission is explained:

That sahajoli female extraction and amaroli self–urine consumption are distinct processes which are the equivalent of the vajroli upward muscular redirection of male sexual emission. Selected ash, which is produced from burnt cow dung, should be put in water. (3.92)

After sexual intercourse in the upright position, during which there was the application of vajroli upward muscular redirection of sexual emission, the woman and man should smear their organs, sitting happily even from the moment they released their embrace. (3.93)

This is titled as the sahajoli upward muscular redirection of female sexual emission. It is always reliable for the yogis. This auspicious yoga even when mixed with enjoyment gives liberation. (3.94)

Indeed this yoga succeeds for those who are pious, devoted, reality-perceptive and kind-hearted, but not for those well-to-do persons who are selfish. (3.95)



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