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Responses from LinkedIn:

  • Raj Kumar Dham Michael Beloved ,I am not able to understand this fully .Is this depicting that we are in transit to our final destination.We are cicling in different circles and are not able to come out and move to our final destination.

  • Michael Beloved

    Michael Beloved Raj Kumar Dham, -- I will not say that we are in transit but it may be more accurate to say that we are supposed to be in transit. But then someone may say, Who said that? What is his/her authority?

    Then what will be the reply.

    So many assumptions are made which cannot be proven or supported physically. Science is nice because soon after issuing theories, they show proof. Einstein gave the theory of the atom bomb and then some years after some other physicists gave proof in the form of a devastated Hiroshima.

    There are some who feel that this material existence with its mental and emotional software is sufficient and that we need not think of or transit to anywhere else.

    Persons who are practicing the ashtanga yoga of Patanjali or the yoga which is described in chapter six of Bhagavad Gita, should be interested in a transit from the different circles as you term it. 

  • Michael Beloved

    Michael Beloved My experience in meditation is that the astral world has many levels, the higher ones being desirable but these are still not the destination. However it is better to go higher even if one does not immediately reach the ultimate place. As in any travel, one should be practical to go closer and closer to the desired place day by day.

    What we find is that we are circling and circling, around and around. We do not skip to a higher place.

    Regarding the image. It shows what I experienced in the effort to hop from the highest astral locales to the sky of consciousness (chit akash). If somehow one can skip beyond that mid-zone, one would finally escape.



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