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Thought-Desire-Motivation Control

Even though it is difficult to control, suppress and completely eliminate a thought pattern of energy, a desire force or a motivation which arises in the mind or in the emotions, still these features actually begin with an energy that is smaller than the smallest of seeds. I notice this in meditation again and again, that when a thought, desire force or motivation develops, it becomes larger than life, even larger than the observing person self (atma/purusha), and then the self cannot control it but is controlled by it, made into its pawn.


What can be done about it?


Since once the idea, feeling or impulsion develops, it becomes like a tidal wave and the observing self is then like a human on a beach, helpless and not having the power to turn the wave back, what should one do about it?


At what stage in the development of the idea, feeling or impulsion, should one turn it about with the magic of one’s will power or one’s energy of disinterest?




Before we give any magic solutions, let us be real in actually observing that a thought, desire force or motivation may be realized after it developed somewhat and not at it original point. The mind is such an apparatus that it has secret operations which are unknown even to the observing self (atma/purusha). This means that if the self cannot see the early stages of development of idea, then that self, if it realizes these developments when the ideas are well-developed, may not be able to do anything about it and may have to submit.


Suppose I live on a small island somewhere in the Pacific. If there is an earthquake which produced a tsunami, and if I did not feel it, and it is heading for the island, then certainly I will not be able to get out of the way. I will be destroyed by it.


In this example, there is no possibility that I could stop the wave but in the example in the mental development of idea and in the development of traumatic emotional applications, my awareness early on would result in complete suppression or elimination of the idea.



How then can I develop the sensitivity to be aware of the very tiny beginning of a thought, desire force or motivation, because without that sensitivity I am doomed to fall under the influence of these motivations, to be affected by them, to submit to their plan of action and then to struggle with the ensuing circumstance?

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