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Thieves on an Astral Island

During the sleeping of the physical body, I became aware of myself as an astral being who was with a friend on the astral side of a small West Indian island. As we moved through the streets of the capital city, there were vendors here and there. Suddenly a man nudged me with his arm and with that my wallet disappeared.


Using a psychic perception which was part of the sensory ability of the astral form, I saw him extract the wallet from my clothing but with this perception there was no ability to stop him or to say anything to anyone about it. There was no response ability to use in that astral form.


A vendor who was about fifteen feet away also saw the heist. He was aware that the wallet was taken. No one else there knew about it besides the thief, who moved quickly through a doorway in a nearby building. I mentally signaled to the vendor that I was aware of him knowing of the theft. H sent back a message to the effect that perhaps it might be possible for me to retrieve the money.


When the thief went into the building, the vendor I knew of it but we also perceived that in the building before the thief reached a back door, he vanished into another dimension. That meant that it was not possible to confront him in that astral world. Right then because of the theft, a tension-energy was deposited in that astral world.


Soon as my friend appeared and we were transported into a small boat which resembled a fisherman’s boat for seating just two persons. Using mental power, my friend steered the boat. It was travelling about ten miles every hour for the most. After a time, the island was nowhere to be seen. Realizing how crazy it was to be out in the astral Atlantic without navigational direction, I spoke to my friend. I said, “Where are you going? How are you navigating?”

He replied, “Do not worry. I am mentally navigating based on my intuition with the sun.”


I replied, “You are not a sane person. No one can navigated by intuition and reach the destination. You need instruments or as we do on the physical side a global positioning system. Otherwise we will be out here in the ocean until the boat capsizes.”


After I said this, the experience collapse, because my friend realized that his idea was not practical. The astral energy to continue it, dissipated.


Special Note:


Money is unnecessary on the astral side of existence but it is used by persons and communities where the people are still referencing their lifestyle to what they did while living physically.



Tendencies like stealing persist with the subtle body after the physical body is deceased. Those tendencies also surface on the subtle side even while the physical system still lives.

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