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The Long Wait

Success in meditation, success on a consistent basis, happens after a long wait. In the Puranas, there are tales about yogis who succeeded in achieving their mystic objectives. Most of these made achievements after many years of practice and after many lives.

Why the long wait?

The point is that whatever reason there is for a delay in an achievement, that is not relevant. The fact is that one has to be steady, patient, and consistent in the practice. One must also redo a practice which was performed carelessly early on.

There are preliminary skills required for every advanced practice. If one overlooks the initial achievements, one will find that after a time practicing, one makes no progress. Or one makes irregular progress which does not tally for success. That may cause discouragement to such an extent, that instead of correcting an incorrect practice, one abandons it.

For success in meditation (samyama) one must be fully introspective (pratyahara). The mind must be calm with no flashing of memories, thoughts, ideas nor images. If the mind is preoccupied stubbornly flashing this or that event or symbol, one must have an effective practice, which can bring the mind to silence and blankness.

Once the mind is silenced, the long wait begins. One waits for a breakthrough, the opening of a portal to higher dimensions, the communication with a deity who is a supernatural or spiritual being, or a transfer so that the energy content of the mind is spiritual bliss energy.

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