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The Ancient System of Kundalini Yoga

Some generalities, but a good and deep presentation of basic knowledge, and more critically with the necessary level of transparency. He proves to be a good student of his teacher! 

Though details of his progress or even practice are skimpy, the objective he aims to accomplish is very broad, one that also makes a good case of the Upanishads.

When one is ready, the appropriate fund of information/ knowledge presents itself, even if it just a nudge in the right direction as opposed to a full-on endorsement or assimilation.

Several keys aspects of the practice of spirituality in connection to yoga and meditation are touched upon in a simple and demystified manner. It is masterful! 

I observed purpose or deliberate practice based on the right intentionality, but insufficient intensity, that is made up for, according to his explanation, years of extensive practice. So, his previous practice and familiarity with the Upanishads apparently endows him with enough sensitivity, therefore faster progress.

Kundalini Yoga as Envisioned by the Ancient YogisAccording to Swami Tadatmananda

Replies (2)
    • Good for a course at Harvard. 

      • A disclaimer might be in order however.

        Although attractive, deep, comprehensive and even benign, this is from the tradition or lineage of Shri Shankaracharya.

        Therefore, the path is considered to be impersonalist generally speaking, they are advaita vedantists.

        And, because of the distinction in their definition (or acceptance) of divinity, their realization of the goal is accordingly different to those who cultivate a personal relationship till the very end. All along, it is IMO important to maintain such ability to discriminate.

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