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Tenants in the Body

Sometimes there is double vision where someone else or a group of disembodied individuals use the physical body. These folk may influence one’s selections. They may even use the speech power to express opinions.

However, it is not easy for a yogi to know when this happens in his psyche. Most yogis are oblivious to this. They live by the convention which is that there is one entity in the body who makes decisions, who has preferences and who commands what sensual exposure there should be.

When a light is superimposed through, or into, another light, the imposing one may or may not realize its dominance. The occupied one may not know that it was dominated. The influence is such that the mix is similar to when milk is poured into by water. The milk is diluted but it may not understand that it is.

I wondered for sometime now about certain decisions which were made in my psyche in regards to what should be seen or focused on, during the course of the day. As for instance, if there is a red object to the left and a blue object to the right, while driving, which one should be given preference?

Is such a decision made by the sense of sight itself? Is it made by some other entity who inhabits the psyche and who has the power to operate any one of the five senses and even the focusing sense which engages a particular sense?

After studying this for some years, I conclude that in some instances, the sense itself makes the decision. However, for the most part, it is made by another entity who resides in the psyche but who is positioned invisibly whereby with the normal consciousness, one cannot segregate that person. Instead, one feels that one is that person and that his/her decisions are those of oneself.

However the pressing concern of a disembodied soul who inhabits the psyche of someone who is embodied, is that of rebirth, the acquirement of another embryo. Since that is the priority of the disembodied inhabitant, he/she focuses on rebirth opportunities especially on the turnstile aspect which is the womb of females. It is in the womb where the final developments are made for a new body. The womb is like a transportation hub where all trains entering or leaving the city are dispatched. It is a busy place.

Hence those disembodied persons who inhabit one’s psyche will have as the priority, sensual targets which indicate a womb. The system of existence here, compels the senses to search for and precure this.

Since the primary resident of the body, the central coreSelf, has a body, he/she does not in the immediate sense need an embryo, hence the attraction to a womb is misinterpreted as being attraction to sexual pleasure. In addition, nature encourages this misidentification which in turn accelerates the forces which set pregnancies and pregnancy attempts into motion.

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