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Swami Vivekenanda faced caste abuse and other tough topics

This is a strong post and that was the reality too.

It was quite shocking too fro me but verifies with other sources and yes, Swami Vivekenanda faced caste abuse all throughout India. He  faced in Bengal, Kasi and also in Madras. Certain Brahmins in Madras called him Shudras in a newsletter writing and Swami Vivekenanda came to know and felt bad about it before flying to Chicago for the famous speech.

His caste Kayastha comes under Shudra and some tenets might come under Kshatriyas but that approval of caste promotion has to come from Brahmin in that locality. It was the case throughout India back in the day, Brahmins only approve someone Kshatriyas if they get the goods and needs from that family, if not everyone is a Shudra.

The article discussed about sexual energy too, something very very rare in Ramakrishna Math, they have produced extraordinary scholars and books (I have benifitted from them) but in the topic of sexual energy management, there is a grave silence. The image is Sanyas have transcended it already, if so it would be great for the spiritual aspirants to know too the secret wisdom they posses on this topic that makes them quite successful. 


Excerpt taken from above link:

Dr. AK Biswas:

Comments, based on historical knowledge, if found unpalatable to some of the readers/commentators. elicite, very offending reaction which underlines intolerance. Sir Gooroodoss Bandopadhyaya, Judge of Calcutta High Court, on the demise of Swami Vivekananda was approached to preside over a condolence meeting at Calcutta by prominent men of the city. He refused to attend the condolence meeting saying, he, a kulin Brahmin, could not consent to preside over the meeting of a Sudra with disparaging comments.****

Ramakrishna of Dakshineswar Temple, Calcutta, never allowed Vivekananda to enter the sanctum sanctorum of the Dakshineswar Temple because he was a Sudra. Romain Rolland, the French Novelist described that Ramakrishna as very particular about all matters of caste in the biography he wrote on him.****

When the Kayasthas of Calcutta petitioned the East India Company Government of Bengal urging for the privilege of admission in Sanskrit College, Calcutta in 1853. Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, who was then Principal of Sanskrit College, commented in his letter to the Education Council that though the Kayasthas of Bengal were Sudras, they could be allowed the privilege of studying Sanskrit in view of many of the Kayasthas, who were wealthy as well as educated.****



This is good link too,

Excerpt taken from this thread:

In Bengal except for the Brahmins imported from Uttar Pradesh (state next to Bengal) all people were originally classified as Shudras. It is only later that people who are now classified as Kshatriya and other higher castes got this promotion by pressuring Brahmins. Thus Vivekananda's premonistic caste could be said to be both Shudra and also Kshatriya. Many orthodox Pandits of Varanasi refused to teach him scriptures (and even abused him) because in their view he remained a Shudra whatever be his caste status in Bengal.


Tough life for Swami Vivekenanda too

Replies (2)
    • Added another excerpt to the post

      • Human beings by and large are also like animals.They are prone to several types of discriminations.Some more than others naturally, and some have made it the very foundation of their creed, social norms and foundations.

        Hopefully, one evolves beyond that level of ego(social)/identifications,Or continue these limitations onto the subtle side, for certain!But, we are mere products of our environment, so it is what it is, and I let it be.

        The post is informative. Thanks for sharing.

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