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Suppression, then Expansion of Desire

This applies to any desire even the most insignificant one. I became aware of myself in an astral dimension which is near to this physical earth place. This astral location was similar to a physical place where I lived during the teen years of my body.

I met a woman who was the mother of a friend. Early on in this physical life, when I was friendly with and lived near a friend, I saw his mother infrequently. The exchanges between us were cordial and normal just as it is expected of a friend of someone and that person’s mother. In this astral encounter, which happened over fifty years after, the woman met me at the entrance of a liquor establishment and indicated that we should go upstairs where music played and alcohol was served.

Her mood was one of wanting to indulge in liquor and hear music so that she could abolish inhibitions and banish her moral values regarding sexual attraction between a woman and the friend of her son. In her psyche, the promise of the liquor was that it would remove the liabilities for such disapproved behavior.

As I followed her up a stairway, I saw that the cause of his encounter was her desire from long ago. Instantly reliving the situation of my teen years when I knew the lady, I saw that she once regarded me as a possible spouse but due to the convention, she could not do that. However, the desire remained sealed in her psyche until now, when it exploded and dominated her astral body.

At the time prior, during my teen years, I did not see the sexual attraction potential. It was present then but it was suppressed sufficiently to be absent from my conscious mind. Later that night, after I left that astral place, I met another woman who knew me at the time and who also knew my friend’s mother.

This other woman explained that she arranged for my friend’s mother to meet me because the lady inquired of me and expressed a pressing need to have access to me. When I pressed for more explanation, the other woman said this,

“She was eager to see you. She said that I should share your astral frequency so that she could contact you.”

She pressured me saying this.

“I love this man. Please put me in touch with his identity.”

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