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Subtle Body Yoga

Physical system yoga is the general practice. Most people who do yoga are focused on using the practice for two reasons mostly:

  • physical body health
  • mento-emotional stability

The first, physical body health concerns doing asana postures using the physical body with or without awareness of a subtle body.

The second, mento-emotional stability is for relieving stress energies which affect the physical body and its mental and emotional feelings.

However, subtle body yoga is different. It is concerned primarily with the subtle body which is used in dreams and with the psychic system which is experienced even when one is aware of the physical form. While doing kundalini yoga, when the kundalini stirs, moves, expresses itself or overwhelms consciousness, there is a shift of focus, an involuntary one, where the iSelf finds itself disconnected from the physical body and in a flush of energy which is transcendent.

This experience is of the subtle body while it shifted to a higher plane of consciousness where its hold on the physical system was partially or totally relaxed. Then a yogi can note the feel of the subtle body and determine how different it is in comparison to the physical form.

This shift of focal consciousness may occur while the body stands, sits or is reclined in any posture. When it happens, a yogi may experience that he should move his trunk, head, arm, forearm, thigh, leg or feet. Such an involuntary urge may be in the subtle body but if the yogi is not keen, he may do it to the physical body, in which case the spreading energy of the kundalini may immediately cease. If this happens the yogi should understand that he mistakenly identified an urge to act with the subtle body as one to act with the physical system.

The proper action is to allow the physical body to remain in whatever posture it is in and to move the subtle limb or part only, so that the physical body remains as is and the subtle limb moves as inspired. When this happens, kundalini’s spread of energy will continue because the physical system remained as is and only the subtle limb moved.

Someone viewing the yogi will notice no movement unless that person has keen psychic perception and can see both bodies. Another similar incidence is when the yogi is inspired during a kundalini spread of bliss energy to apply locks in the subtle body only. These locks are applied by willpower command only and not by the pulling or moving of muscles of the physical body.

The difference between subtle body locks and physical one is that the physical ones are applied through muscular movement while the subtle ones are applied merely by willpower lifts and shifts.

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