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Subtle Body Upgrade

It is possible while using a physical form to upgrade the subtle body so that after death of the physical one it becomes likely that one would go to one of the highest subtle dimensions. There is a list of lokas or higher dimensional realms mentioned in the Puranas.


  • Mahar-loka
  • Jana-loka
  • Tapa-loka
  • Satya-loka

Each of these places is suitable for a yogi


These are heavenly places. None of these is the spiritual world but to be practical a yogi should aim for one of these. Satyaloka is also known as Brahmaloka because it is presided over by the Brahma deity.


Many devotees of Krishna ridicule these places as being lower than the spiritual world of Krishna. Buddhist people have the idea that these worlds are temporary crap and are not worth the interest.


inSelf Yoga™ has a practical approach, which is that one should aim for the next higher place and when one achieves that, aim for what is higher, on and on. One should not begin with the idea that one can go to the highest place and should not ridicule or condemn any place which right now is above one’s head or average state of consciousness.


Pranayama breath infusion practice is one sure way of reaching these places before the time of death of the physical system one currently uses. If the subtle body is infused with enough subtle energy, it is likely to jump in frequency. One may experience these higher places now why one has a physical form. This would indicate that one may qualified to go to a higher locale later after one is deprived of the physical body.


One way to judge this is to keep a log of the type of bliss energy one feels during the practice of breath infusion. One type of energy may be the energy which saturated one of those higher places. If then one finds that this energy saturates the subtle form and is experienced daily while doing the practice, then one can be assured that one may qualify to go to that higher realms later on.


For instance, once when I did breath infusion practice two naked women arrived in an astral dimension which was within purview of my vision. How they got there only heaven knows. If you want to understand how this happens, then go sit in the woods for a while. If a bird comes within vision or if an insect begins to crawl next to you, then investigate how it arrived there. If the bird or insect suitably dressed?


I recognized one of the women as a deceased human who passed on years ago and who did not as yet take an embryo. Both women began to mimic everything I did for practice. One had done breath infusion before but the other was doing it clumsily because she was not as familiar with it. This happens sometimes where astral beings hear a yogi or see a yogi doing practice and begin to imitate him.


In many astral realms women appear without clothing. This might sound strange or perverted but it is a fact that in the astral domains the rules of behavior are not always the same as what we expect on the physical level.


As I was doing breath infusion and the two women were mimicking I tried to make contact with Srila Yogeshwarananda because I am doing some kriyas which he wanted me to test. I wanted to send him some reports about the practice by linking to his vibration whereby the practice session would be known to him.


About three-fourths of the way through the session, there was a stage at which the entire lower torso of the trunk of the subtle body was cleared of lower astral energy. It was all light in that lower part, even the sacral region which is usually comprising of heavy astral energy, dark astral force. Then suddenly the thighs of the subtle body got cleared such that the energy there was a cool bliss with a color like glass crystal. This is what a subtle body is like on the Satyaloka astral place the highest of the astral realms. There the entire subtle body has this cool bliss energy which is crystal clear, translucent and sparkling.


If the yogi can get the subtle body, all of it, to be like this and if this can remain consistently for a while, then he can be assured that after he is evicted from the physical system at its death, he would go to be with people in the Satyaloka place.


Patanjali alerted us that if somehow the subtle body can become saturated with the energy of a higher realm, then for sure one would translate over that place if the physical system dies.


A yogi must also not be theoretical or have preconceived notions which do not correspond with what will happen now during practice or hereafter. There might be nude people seeing a yogi doing practice. There might even be nude people or semi-nude people even in the Satyaloka place. There are histories in the Puranas of women even reputed goddess wearing skimpy sheer clothing in those places. I personally went to some of these place and know for sure that this happens there. Hence those people who turn their noses up at these reports are not being realistic and have preconceived notions about things which they have not experienced.


It is best to strive hard now and get the experiences, so that one can get rid of conceptions which one formulated in the mind on the basis of earthly life. This will help one to advance in real terms. This inSelf Yoga™ is for advanced people, who want to see what is really happening first hand.


There is an interesting verse in the Kundalini Hatha Yoga Pradipika:


ब्रह्मादयो|अपि त्रिदशाः पवनाभ्यास–तत्पराः | अभूवन्नन्तक–भयात्तस्मात्पवनमभ्यसेत् || ३९ ||

brahmādayo|api tridaśāḥ pavanābhyāsa–tatparāḥ | abhūvannantaka–bhayāttasmātpavanamabhyaset || 39 ||


brahmādayo = brahmā (creator–god Brahmā) + ādayo (ādayāḥ) (and other supernatural rulers), api – specifically, tridaśāḥ – thirty prominent deities, pavanābhyāsa – practice of breath-infusion, tatparāḥ – fully devoted, abhūvan – became, antaka – of death, in the end, bhayāt – due to fear, tasmāt – thus, pavanam – breath-infusion, abhyaset – should practice


Due to the fear of death, creator-god Brahma and other supernatural rulers, specifically the thirty prominent deities, are fully devoted to the practice of breath-infusion. Thus one should practice it.(Kundalini Hatha Yoga Pradipika 2.39)



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