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Subtle Body Parts Missing

A friend of mine who was deceased recently greeted me astrally on October 12 during an early morning meditation session. He was appreciating some information and meditation methods which I shared. His realization of the subtle body and how it is affected by the death of the physical system, is remarkable.


This is what he said:



I am extremely grateful to you for bringing it to my attention, the importance of the subtle body. Before I met you I felt that I was a transcendentalist but that was erroneous because I did not focus on the subtle body. What I did was focus on the physical body while thinking that my mere thoughts about spiritual aspects was itself a spiritual development.


Focusing on the subtle body as the objective self instead of thinking of an objective self as different to the physical form while in the day to day process one actually remains hinged to the physical body, is a farce and a sure way for failure after passing on.


I found after I lost the physical body, that certain parts of my subtle form were missing. Imagine if a part of your head is just not there or it was gouged out. When I had a physical body, I once saw a part of an alligator’s head which was bitten out by another alligator. It was missing. The poor reptile swam away from the place where the injury took place in fear for its life. What was it to do? How would that heal?


I found that some parts of my subtle body were missing. I realized why you used to tell me to focus down into the subtle body to its hidden parts, the parts which I was normally unaware of. If I had done that proficiently, I would have a full subtle body, none of it would be missing.


Here is something else which I realized. The missing parts of the subtle body, are the parts which are filled out when one takes a new material form from the new parents. Energy from those parents is used to fill out those missing parts. But that is a danger for a yogi because it causes excessive obligation to those people. Worse of all it causes one to absorb the history-energy of that family. By that one’s becomes involved more than necessary. One loses focus on spiritual objectives. I appreciate your help. Thanks for sharing so much of this with me.

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