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Subtle Body Assumes Past Life Formats

In many astral encounters with deceased people, I find that the subtle body impulsively resumes the look and feel of what the last physical body was in its senior years when it was in control of a family.


The subtle body does this even though the person involved may have no objective understanding of the experience. Recently in an astral encounter with a deceased relative who already has a new physical body, that person’s subtle form assumed its previous elderly format even though currently it uses a body which is between 20 and 35 years of age.


Usually the subtle body shows as a subtle form looking exactly like the current physical but if the person does not have a physical body, the subtle one will look like the old physical one just before it died.


In this experience, even though the person is living on the physical side in a body which is between 20 and 35 years of age, the subtle body assumed a form which looked like the last dead body when it was about 64 years of age.


The subtle body wanted to be in a position of seniority. Myself and some others who were related to it as juniors in that past life, were compelled to be in its presence as it issued one request after the other.


At one point in the encounter, that elderly astral person began to ask some of us to assist with the health of the body, especially with the problem of diabetes. When it was my turn to make a remark, I simply asked this elderly relative about weight gain. The person admitted to that. Then I said, “To help yourself, you should use a diet which facilitates weight loss. That will help with the diabetic problem.” The person then said that this was difficult because of being fond of foods which sponsor diabetes.


This person was then depressed because there was no favorable way of dealing with the issue. No empathy, nothing besides self-imposed diet restrictions, would help.



After this the elderly person ask me to procure some foods from an astral market. I realized then and there that attachment to specific foods continue hereafter. Attachment to seniority role continues hereafter even into the next body. Attachment to being a central person in a family continues hereafter. The subtle body will assume old forms from the past life or even from other past lives, just so that it can assert social seniority. One may not know that his or her subtle body does this. The impulsions of the subtle body are such that they supersede the conscious mind and can operate astrally without the conscious mind even knowing what occurred.

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