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Subjective Light

For invoking subjective lights during meditation, there is a method with a mantra. That is subjective light which emanates from the coreSelf and which is normally not perceived by the very self but which is absorbed by subtle energy for nefarious purposes which are drummed by the intellect and kundalini lifeForce.

After becoming successful in retrieving the attention of the coreSelf back to itself, removing it from other interests, especially from the interest and curiosity about the activities of the intellect, the core may turn to itself, retracting and curling in all attention energy. This is completion of the fifth stage of yoga which is pratyahar sensual energy withdrawal. It is highlighted by a lack of interest in anything but self-focus during the meditation session. But this expands into a lack of interest in the events on this side of existence, which usually attracts one’s consciousness.

When the retraction of interests is completed, it feels like the quiet which arises when a massive hurricane ceases. Then there is a chance that the coreSelf can switch to self-focus, where it can perceive itself as a subjective something from which emanates light.

Babaji sent a message about this procedure of perceiving subjective light. It was this.

“Use that mantra. Some time to do it is necessary. Days, weeks or years as the case may be. Practice! Practice! Practice! Avoid the distractions. It is cumulative for the yogi.”

By that he meant that it will take years of this practice for success. When one cannot reach or perceive the subjective light of the very same self, one should slowly chant the mantra.

om namo vaasudevaya (vaa-su-day-vai-yuh)

For objective yoga, usually om namo shivaya is used.

For subjective yoga, use om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

There will be a glow light which is subjective. It is observed by the core like someone looking down and seeing his body using eyes of the same body. This light emanates from the coreSelf.

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