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Spiritual ME ~ Spiritual YOU

 It is a question of what I would like to be as an eternal spiritual body.


And what about you?

Which is your preference?


To be a spiritual bug or mammal?

To be a spiritual virus or reptile?

To be a spiritual flower or leaf?


Or better would you like to be on par with God in a spiritual place?

Or would you like to be the love of God’s life?

Honestly speaking, what is your preference?


This subject was always of interest to me, especially since I have the opportunity to advice people about the ways and means of spiritual attainment. I found repeatedly that people desire to be adult lovers in a spiritual body, nothing more, nothing less.


There is in India and wherever the Indian religion about Radha and Krishna spreaded, the idea of being like Radha or being like Krishna. The Sri Sri Radha-Krishna deities attract people from all over the world mainly because it presents the idea of God as lovers, as boyfriend and girlfriend; Radha as the lone girlfriend and Krishna as the ultimate youthful male beloved-lover.


Is this what you are thinking, that you might be Radha or you might be Krishna?


Is that the idea, the most desired idea you picked up so far from your transmigrations in material nature. Is that top of the line for you? When I lived in a Krishna Deity sect some years ago I used to see the looks on the faces of the males and females who wanted to be like Radha or like Krishna.


They said that they were worshiping Radha and Krishna – God female / God male – but in their lifestyles there was this secret desires to be either Radha or Krishna. I was with a friend once, when a sannyasi monk, a leader in the sect, told him that he should marry a certain female who would be his Radha. What they considered for themselves was different to their public attitude of worshiping Radha and Krishna.


inSelf Yoga™ is different in that it prepares the student for the lowest position in any spiritual environment. It does not allow the student to construct what he or she would prefer to be a conceived-of spiritual world. But this is hard for some students to digest because these students have preconceived notions which are embedded in their psyches from who or what knows where.


Some students get downright negative about this and do not want to hold the conversation. It is depressing to think that they might be translated to a spiritual place and be at the bottom status of that dimension.


inSelf Yoga™ presents the idea that the selection of what would be in a spiritual place, is never based on the desire of a student coming from this end of existence. It is based wholly and solely on the desire of the deity, on what is available or where the deity would fit that person into his or her outlays.


This means that one might be just about anything, a flower, a kid, anything.


There is this idea in the devotional sects, where they cite that some yogis who met Rama in the forest, wanted to be Rama’s consorts and because they had male forms they could not in any way experience that. Then later in the time of Krishna they were in female bodies and became consorts of Krishna. However in the Valmiki Ramayana, I never read about the yogis wanting that. In fact there it is said that those yogis, all of them went to higher worlds.


Anyway from this idea, some people get have the opinion that whatever they desire for in the spiritual universe would be theirs once they get there, whenever that would happen.


Does it make sense to you, that a desire from this side of existence could construct the situation on the spiritual side of existence to suit the person coming from this side?


That makes no sense to me. It appears to be irrational.


The real question is this:

Can any of us put aside our desires and just accept whatever format we would be in if we were translated across the existential divide into a spiritual place?


Is that possible?

Or is my nature so preset that I cannot be satisfied unless I am at the top, as a mature adult in a spiritual place?


Want to be in an adult spiritual body as a Radha or Krishna?



Please give this up!!!!!!!

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