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Species Transfer Possibility

In many of the lower mammal species, the smelling sense is directly connected to the sense of sexuality. In fact in some species, like for instance lions and dogs, even deer which are vegetarian, the smelling sense is foremost in determining if the animals will be sexual involved or not.


In the human species we find that this smelling sense is not as predominant. It is not that essential and is not used as forcefully as say the visual sense and touching senses.


However this does not mean that the smelling sense potential changed when the human body was developed in the evolutionary cycle long ago. What happened is that the smelling sense was retracted for the most part and the visual and touching sense were elongated in turn, so that the quantity of interest remained the same but it divested in different proportions through the other senses.


When doing breath infusion and also the meditation that follows, a yogi should on occasion get insight into these aspects of the psyche, so that he (she) can understand how it was possible to be in lower life forms with the same psyche we use in the human form. This psyche is adaptable to the various life forms. The sensual energies of it can be rewritten in various configurations to match whatever the particular species form requires.


During a breath infusion session, I experiences the curl up or retraction of the outreach tentacle of the sense of smell. This psychic organ shoots out from the nose when one uses a lower animal form. It procures subtle smell molecules, bunches these into compact parcels, and sends that to the buddhi intellect orb for cataloging and identification.


In the human psyche it is not as operative and aggressive as it is in the lower animal species but it does operate to a degree. It acts with eagerness in humans who carry strong tendencies from being in lower species. They are ruled by the sense of smell just the same.


When I saw this sense tentacle operate, I flashed on its maximum influence in the lower species of life but then because of being in a human psyche format, it curled itself inside the lower area of central nose. I traced it through the body and found that it ended in the testes of the astral form. There it was curled in as well and remained still as if it were inactive.



In the animal forms, like that of a lion for instance, it would be protrude outside the subtle nose, swaying this way and that way to procure odors. That would be similar to seeing the tongue of a snake swiveling around for odors in the air.


In a male lion, if this sense tentacle detected female lion hormonal odors, it would uncurl in the testes and stimulate sexual desire for the transfer of sexual fluids into the body of that female.


What is the value of such experiences for the yogi?


It is valuable to experiencing some of what happened when one used lower species of life, in knowing that one did use such forms and that one’s psyche fitted into such bodies and operated in them. It give credence to information about past lives in the Vedic literature.


When Lord Krishna explained to Arjuna about the comparative similarity of the various species and of the spirits which use such bodies, Arjuna did not get it initially:


अर्जुन उवाच

योऽयं योगस्त्वया प्रोक्तः

साम्येन मधुसूदन ।

एतस्याहं न पश्यामि

चञ्चलत्वात्स्थितिं स्थिराम् ॥६.३३॥


arjuna uvāca

yo'yaṁ yogastvayā proktaḥ

sāmyena madhusūdana

etasyāhaṁ na paśyāmi

cañcalatvātsthitiṁ sthirām (6.33)


Arjuna — Arjuna; uvāca — said; yo = yah — who; 'yaṁ = ayaṁ — this; yogas — yoga practices; tvayā — by you; proktaḥ — explained; sāmyena — by comparative similarity; madhusūdana — O slayer of Madhu; etasyāhaṁ = etasyā — of this + aham — I; na — not; paśyāmi — see; cañcalatvāt — due to shiftiness; sthitiṁ — position; sthirām — standard


Arjuna said: O slayer of Madhu, due to a shifty vision, I do not see this standard position of a comparatively similar view which is yielded by this yoga practice, declared by You. (Bhagavad Gita 6.33)


The standard position of the selves in these creature forms, like that of a lion or tiger or bug is that the self is harness to perception-sensation equipment and is traumatized by the psychic operations.


Krishna said this before Arjuna admitted that he could not understand what Krishna explained:



सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि ।

ईक्षते योगयुक्तात्मा

सर्वत्र समदर्शनः ॥६.२९॥



sarvabhūtāni cātmani

īkṣate yogayuktātmā

sarvatra samadarśanaḥ (6.29)


sarvabhūtastham — existing in all mundane creature forms; ātmānaṁ — spirit; sarvabhūtāni — all creatures; cātmani = ca — see + ātmani — in the self; īkṣate — he sees; yogayuktātmā — one who is proficient in yoga; sarvatra — in all cases; samadarśanaḥ — seeing the same


With a spirit existing in every creature, and with every creature based on a spirit, a person who is proficient in yoga, perceives the same existential arrangement in all cases. (Bhagavad Gita 6.29)


आत्मौपम्येन सर्वत्र

समं पश्यति योऽर्जुन ।

सुखं वा यदि वा दुःखं

स योगी परमो मतः ॥६.३२॥


ātmaupamyena sarvatra

samaṁ paśyati yo'rjuna

sukhaṁ vā yadi vā duḥkhaṁ

sa yogī paramo mataḥ (6.32)


ātmaupamyena = ātma — self + aupamyena — by reference; sarvatra — in all cases; samaṁ — similarity; paśyati — he sees; yo = yaḥ — who; 'rjuna = arjuna — Arjuna; sukhaṁ — pleasurable sensations; vā — or; yadi — regardless; vā — or; duḥkhaṁ — painful sensations; sa = saḥ — he; yogī — yogi; paramo = paramaḥ — highest; mataḥ- considered as


He who, in reference to himself, sees the same facilities in all cases, regardless of pleasure or painful sensations, he, O Arjuna, is considered as the highest yogi. (Bhagavad Gita 6.32)


The same existential arrangement is there in all creature forms, thus the idea that one could not take any other body besides a human one, is fallacious. That view is the result of a distorted sense of pride. To break apart that arrogance one should get into the psyche and see how it is outfitted. Then one can check to see if the components can be packed into the other creature forms. That is the beginning of getting review experiences of actually being in those lower forms in previous lives.

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