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Slow Motion Astral World

On the night of March 21, 2020, I was in a slow-motion astral world. This is one of the places where time moves just as it does in this physical existence but where the thinking process of everyone does not operate rapidly. It is such that what a person would normally think of, say about two seconds, takes two minutes instead.

Everything there runs at a slower place because otherwise there is frustration in the mind of anyone who tries to act as rapidly as we do here. In this physical world we experience that someone may think too slow such that his calculations are not rapid enough, with the result that he misses opportunities.

But in that astral place if someone tries to think rapidly, the mental process becomes choked or garbled where the ideas make no sense. The person must think slowly. Then what he thinks may be supported by reality.

I was in this place with a friend who kept thinking rapidly and who was frustrated at every instance because he could not generate practical ideas. I wanted to alert him to reduce the speed of his thoughts but he was not of the mind to listen, so I did not inform him.

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