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Sleep Vritti Main Support


In the advanced practice of kundalini yoga, one must at some point zero in on the muladhara base chakra to get rid of it. At first one has to convince the kundalini to abandon this chakra as its main hang-out. After that is achieved and kundalini relocated into the brain for the most part, then one still should return to muladhara base chakra to get rid of it.


Its existence is a treat to the student yogi. It is a stark reminder that as soon as it can, kundalini will again return to that place and begin the struggle for survival again. This of course will begin in earnest if the student yogi has to take another physical body, because then he or she must relinquish all power over the kundalini for the time being, for the formation of the embryo. Then kundalini will again establish itself by crowning itself as Lord of the manor with the core-self as the smallest most useful stooge at kundalini’s feet. This is all to be regretted of course that regardless of whatever progress one makes, if one takes another body, that progress will be reversed fully.


One will find oneself as a new material body in some social situation with new parents and with the kundalini dictating effectively what one should and should not do. I usually ask students, I plead with them to stop paying attention to others, and to turn the critical energy on the self itself, because one needs the self-entire energy to enact these reforms but more or less most of the students do not take this very seriously. The few who do have some difficulty putting this into practice. Minding other people’s business, regardless of whether those people are fellow-students or not, is taboo for anyone who desires success in this process. However, the sweet juice of worrying about others, keeping track of others, criticizing others, comparing oneself with others, cutting others down who one feels are not following the path, is such that even when I instruct that a student should cease doing this, I do so unsuccessfully.




The main support of the sleep vritti is the sex-reproduction chakra complex, and this has nothing to do with having sex or not having it. Not having sex does not mean that this is not the main support. Having sex does not mean that is not the main support. In either case it is the main support. It intends to remain as such regardless of the sex or no-sex posture of the student.


Criminals and law-abiding citizens are required to pay certain taxes. It does not matter to the government in that case, if the citizen follows the laws or not. The tax must be paid. Hence those who are into sex and those who are not into sex all have the same problem which is that the sex-reproduction chakra complex is there to support the sleep vritti.


Evading excessive taxes is a problem for both the criminals in society and the people who feel they have to honestly earn a living. The crook feels bad if he has to pay excessive tax, and this is even though he got his money without earning a living. The honest citizen also feels strained for having to pay excessive tax and he earned his living, or so he feels.




The sleep vritti is the one evasive mento-emotional vibration which is very difficult to conquer. Patanjali listed five of these vritties but the other four we can understand intellectually at least. They are:

Right analysis

Incorrect analysis




We might be able to handle these but what about sleep. How do you eliminate that? For one thing sleep will always be necessary in a material cosmos. In fact it is a law of nature that whatever is accelerating will eventually slow down, and whatever slows down has the potential to accelerate again. This means that sleep and arousal are the natural conditions. That statement explains that we cannot permanently get rid of sleep.


If that is a fact then what is Patanjali speaking about. Patanjali left us hanging with this terse statement:


अभावप्रत्ययालम्बना वृत्तिर्निद्रा॥१०॥

abhāva pratyayaḥ ālambanā vṛttiḥ nidrā

Sleep is the vibrational mode which is supported  by the absence of objective awareness.


In ordinary parlance, that means that sleep is the state of mind which is supported by the absence of the self, so that the self even though it exists is not aware of itself.


Great!  What does that mean?


Anyway to get to the heart of the matter, I want to state that some of these higher achievements of yoga can only be understand by advancing. As we go more and more into abstraction, there is less and less comprehension of what is happening but if we return again and again to those abstract levels and are patient with the process and have faith in the accomplished yoga masters, we will get clarity bit by bit, stage by stage.


As I said above the sleep vritti is protected from the core-self by the sex-reproduction chakra complex. This means that to expose the sleep vritti which is at muladhara chakra, one has to destroy that complex. It is that simple. You will just have to take my word for it that I saw the sleep vritti at muladhara chakra. Actually it was with the help of Swami Muktananda that I perceived this. He has some credit in this perception.



He was in my psyche and showed me the psychic thing. I did my service by releasing this information. I am hopeful that some other yogi can support me with this, otherwise for the time being, just accept this at my word.


Bash apart the sex-reproduction chakra complex. Use breath infusion to do so. Then one will be able to see and directly attack the sleep vritti main psychic mechanism on the inside of the subtle body near the muladhara chakra. It is grey-brown in color and has the shape of a middle finger. Those yogis who infuse it with breath energy will realize it as irradiating light like a sliver of white-hot metal. That is the secret.

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