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Sleep Inducement ~ Breath Infusion

This concerns an advanced kriya which can only be used successfully by students who mastered the reproductive energy in the subtle body. Even so there is no harm in practicing this as a preparation for doing it effectively at a later date.

In the first diagram below, the yogi goes beyond discovering the sleep vritti capsule of energy. He (or she) traces how it is fed the dulling energies by the navel chakra which is in the front of the subtle body. This is different to the navel chakra which is on the spinal column.

If seen, this appear to be a slow drip of heavy astral energy from the navel to the capsule area, where it accumulates. The energy comes from the chemical operations at the navel and from the intestine apparatus which gives off a heavy astral mist.

Kundalini is the culprit. It attracts that energy and hoards it for use to cause a dulling consciousness when it uses to disable the analytical psychic organ (buddhi).


When a yogi first sees this operation, he realizes that there is nothing he can do about it. Its construction is such that he cannot interfere with it. However by taking help from a yoga-guru, through strong faith in the teacher, the yogi eventually gets an understanding of how he could tackle this system and eliminate it.

A question may arise as to why bother to eliminate it, because after all, it is natural. The answer is that Patanjali Mahayogi stipulated five mento-emotional operations which are to be squashed. The most difficult one to challenge is this sleep inducement energy. To comply with Patanjali one must get rid of this power.

Another question arises as to if it is possible to get rid of this, because no matter what, the physical system must sleep. We hear from the literature from ancient yogis, that the subtle bodies require sleep. Even the creator-god Brahma sleeps. For him, it is mandatory. Our consciousness is reliant on his psychological awareness.

There is a hint in the Yoga Sutras because Patanjali never said that one should never sleep or that one can eliminate sleep at this time. However he did say that for yoga to happen thoroughly, the sleep inducement energy has to be eliminated. Keep that in mind that during yoga practice, during the samyama process of meditation, the sleep vritti energy should not be present. At other times, it may or may not be present. Who cares?

If the sleep inducement energy is not absent during meditation (samyama), then it means that one will not consistently be able to reach the chit akash sky of consciousness and that would mean failure in the practice.


See this second diagram below. It shows that the yogi should use breath infusion to pull the sleep inducement energy through the trunk of the subtle body and into the lower back of the head where it may be vented out of the psyche. Or he could pull it into the head of the subtle body and dissipate it, if he has the right kind of subtle energy infused into the subtle head.


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