Sitting to meditate
When sitting to meditate an easy posture should be used. When practicing posture yoga (asana), easy and difficult forms may be practiced. I advise that one should not mix meditation yoga with posture yoga. Do posture yoga first. Then do meditation yoga.
Or do posture yoga, then do pranayama breath infusion, then do meditation yoga. Or do a combination of posture yoga and pranayama breath infusion, then sit in an easy, a very easy, posture to do meditation.
If you utilize a difficult posture while doing meditation, it is likely that your attention will be split, between tolerating the pains of the posture, and focusing on the meditation method. This attention split is undesirable.
One way to consider it, is that posture yoga, asana, is mostly for the benefit of the physical body, while breath infusion is for both the physical and subtle bodies, and meditation yoga is for the subtle body specifically.
To master postures, do posture yoga. To infuse energy into the physical and subtle bodies, do pranayama breath infusion yoga. To target one’s psychology, do meditation yoga but use an easy posture.