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Silent Reactive Mental Actions

There are many silent reactive mental actions committed in the psyche from day to day, almost continuously with very few pauses where the mind is silent and does not emit responses to whatever it detects either in the physical or psychic environment.

Most of these are irresponsible expressions which will bring negative consequences. However, the coreSelf rarely detects, tracks, analyses, and assesses these as being dangerous to its wellbeing.

The kundalini lifeForce and the intellect are ever operating to express responses to whatever the self is subjected to by the in-sucking actions of the senses. By constant practice of the ashtanga eighth staged yoga process of Patanjali, especially in the higher practices of pratyahar sensual energy withdrawal and dharana inFocus, the yogi gets clarity, where he/she can see what occurs in the mind, where he/she does not identify as the doer of everything that happens in the psyche.

Decisions made in the mind may be thoughts of someone other than the coreSelf, where those decisions convert into subtle indulging suggestions for certain actions, which if sanctioned by the core will bring unwanted consequences, where the self will be forced into future circumstances, where it can become involved in instances which are not to its liking.

The insensitivity of the coreSelf where it cannot determine which thoughts are authored by it, and which are authored either by tenants in its psyche or by non-tenants who project thoughts into the psyche, is costly to the self. The self is held responsible for those psychic actions and for any physical ones which occur as a result. This could mean having to assume an embryo in the future and live through a lifespan at some other place or time.

Tenants are people who live in the psyche of a yogi, either in the mind part of the subtle body or in any other part of it. These silent entities are not silent in the least but a coreSelf may experience their presence as an absence, where that core greedily assumes that whatever occurs in its mind, as an opinion or feeling, is its energy and should be acted on urgently.

Sometimes when a yogi is in a circumstance, an opinion is given by someone in the physical environment. Then, one or more silent tenants who live in the psyche of the yogi, may express an opinion and desire that a view be expressed physically as an objection or assertion in response to what someone else said.

The yogi if he/she is not alert, and does not identity the idea as being that of someone else who resides in the subtle body, may render that opinion physically. This may unravel the influence of the physical person who originally had the idea.

If, however the yogi recognized that in his subtle body, a tenant expressed that idea, he/she may resist expressing that view and save the self from having to interact further and also from having to indulge with that person somewhere else at some other time or during the event. This further isolates the yogi and screens him/her from unwanted whimsical events and the people who indulge there.

It is an achievement when a yogi learns to avoid or ignore influences from other physical people. It is a greater feat when he/she recognizes and avoids the view of tenants in the psyche, people who live in the mind of the yogi, who have a right to reside there, but whose influence should be resisted and carefully tagged from moment to moment. Having to live with others in the psyche, is reason for resisting their views, especially when those opinions may result to having to take rebirth or having to indulge mentally in ideas which are of no spiritual benefit and which deter the yogi in spiritual progression.

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