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Sensation Greed Sorted

After coming to terms with the fact that the kundalini produces sensations which the buddhi intellect orb eats, the yogi must sort the sensations by carefully analyzing the actions of the buddhi intellect orb in its procurement of the feelings. This process may take months or even years, to complete. The reason for the slow integration of this is that the buddhi becomes confused when it confronts the sensations. It cannot properly discern what type of sensation is used, regarding which sensations or which combination of sensations are involved in its feeding on the feelings generated by the kundalini life force.


inSelf Yoga also involves failure at practice, procrastination, doing the wrong austerities, having the wrong motives and many other negative features of method and lifestyle. Nevertheless, the sooner one does the practice, the better off one will be. There are stages where one thinks that one can accomplish a phase in no time, only to discover that it took years to complete it because one approached it with the wrong attitude and from a perspective which nature simply refused to verify.


Pratyahar sensual energy withdrawal could last for years after the first full thrust in that practice to pull energies which course out of the psyche. This is due to the fact that even if one pulls in all sensual energies which crave external stimuli, still then there will be chaos and contrary activity within the psyche. There will be unauthorized exchanges between the psychic adjuncts. The core-self will still be unable to sort what sensation the buddhi intellect orb hunts down and for what reason. It may be unable to sort blended sensations to determine their generation and flavoring.


Does this sound confusing?


Well, I can admit that it is for the reason that the energies in the psyche are a confused blend of subtle sensation like the spices and food flavorings which are tasted in a sweet-sour Chinese meal.




What is sensation?


How is it generated by the kundalini life force?


What is the raw material from which the kundalini produces the sensations?


How does the kundalini blend various types of sensation during production?


Is the buddhi intellect orb equipped with the required sensitivity to grade and sort sensations?


Does the core-self have such a deep interest in its psyche?


Is the core-self like a dinghy in the vast ocean of sensations, where it cannot tell what is up or down, left or right, north or south?


Is it so bewildered that sorting the sensations is a hopeless task for it?


When we read of the austerities of Gautama Buddhi we are simply amazed at the detailed insightful analysis he experienced in meditation, regarding the various types of sensations produced in the psyche and the methods for shutting these generations down.


It is amazing that any other limited being would claim to be on par with Buddha or to have the potential to do what he did during the course before his enlightenment.

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