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Self in Pieces Hereafter

Self in Pieces Hereafter

On March 19, 2016, a friend, Alfredo Delregato, appeared by me while I did breath-infusion practice at about 3am in the morning. He began to make these remarks:

Thanks again for bringing the subtle body to my attention if you had not stressed it to me and shown me what it is, I would never have realized the importance of focusing on it during the life of the physical one. It is very evidence once you are shown but up till then, one remains preoccupied with the physical, while having beliefs about the hereafter which are simply not true.


People should know that if they do not focus on the subtle body and know what it before death, know astral projection, know how the astral body changes in vibration according to the level it is manifested on, after the physical system dies, one will experience himself as a fragment of his former social self.

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