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Self as Radiance

The question of self, of who I am, is repeated again and again in the minds of those who dare to venture into the idea production functions of the psyche. When the self is discovered as a composite of identity and sensuality, there arises the need to figure if there is a core with adjuncts.

Because the self appears to be a mock-up of social roles and inner moods, some researchers posit that the self is an illusion. This makes senses so long as one cannot admit that perhaps there is a constant core, to which the social roles temporarily adhere. Because the evidence is that the sensuality can be altered and ultimately can be eliminated in the physical sense, some acclaim that the self is really nothing, as eventually its register which is the physical body will be no more.

In deep meditation, the self is found to be a core around which there are adjuncts which are supernatural aspects. These are a sense of identity, an intellect, a kundalini lifeForce and reactive memories. The coreSelf is a speck of radiance which produces one substance which is awareness. This awareness powers other aspects beginning with the sense of identity.

The core is itself radiance and it produced the same only. It shines radiance or spiritual energy, the way the sun shines light through space. The question which puts this self to the test is the one concerning the dimming and suspension of its awareness. Is the self always aware?

This question must be changed to this.

Is the self always objectively aware?

The answer is that the self is not always objectively aware and its subjectivity does not include being aware of itself. It has two aspects but the subjective one permits its continuation but does not permit, its objectivity awareness of the continuation except in specific supportive environments.

Because of the suspension of the objectivity of the self from time to time, that self does not have continuous awareness of its existence. The coreSelf has phases of absence of objectivity. During these phases, it has no register of itself as a continuous existence. A careful study in meditation of the subjective aspect of the self should be completed in deep meditation. This will increase the confidence in the self, otherwise it will be uncertain of itself and will gravitate to nihilistic philosophies.

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