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Secret Mantras

There are many secret mantras given by gurus and pandits from India. These are groups of Sanskrit words, which may be found in Sanskrit literature which proves that they are not secret in the least. One method used by gurus to cover this lack o confidentiality of the mantras, is to say that it must be whispered by the guru directly or it must be pronounced correctly in Sanskrit by the guru.

I mentioned the mantra,

Om Namo Shivaya.

This is also correctly written as

Om Namah Shivaya

Both versions are correct according to the rules of sounds variation in Sanskrit.

However even though I recommend this mantra, in my usage, it is not used like a prostitute. For use in inSelf Yoga™ this mantra is used to be linked to the naad sound which is heard in meditation, especially when one meditates just after breath infusion.

If one finds that after the breath infusion session, one cannot locate naad sound resonance, and one is not in a transcendental state, one should say this mantra. It will on most occasions take the yogi’s attention to naad resonance.

This is a particular recommendation which implies that a yogi doing inSelf Yoga™ should not use the mantra for other purposes. For instance, one should not use it to combat thoughts. The mantra is not a prostitute who is taken to every man for a questionable relationship. The only husband of the mantra is naad sound resonance. Thus, if one relies on the mantra when one cannot find naad resonance, the mantra will take one’s attention to naad.

There are many ways to combat thoughts but we do not recommend using Om Namo Shivaya, because that mantra is a call-prayer to Bhava Shiva who is a personDeity.

This does not mean that other teachers of other systems agree with this. They have their methods, I have mine. They recommend according to their experience or objective. But that is different to what I said.

Remember that Om Namo Shiva is said with the greatest respect for the Supreme Person Shiva. If that is kept in focus, one will not misuse or prostitute the mantra. Shiva is nobody’s shoeshine boy. Nor is the call-prayer which is based on his energy.

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