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Scientific American magazine : Finest Scientific writings

I have been following Scientific American magazine back from college days ever since 2009, they always amaze me with the quality of the content and writing style.

I have read even articles published 100 years ago on Tesla and other fancy stuff, the writing and publishing are impeccable. Maintaining the standard of a magazine for more than a century over generations is simply astounding, the lineage of the scientists and profound thinkers/ writers deserve great applause on maintaining such a standard of a magazine.


Replies (4)
    • I found that article to be very interesting. At least I was able to follow it so kuddos to the author who wrote on a complicated topic in everyday language.

      It seems to show some similarities to Buddha’s teaching of impermanence and inconstancy. That sly angular motion might be the inconstancy of all matter. 

      There was also the reference to quantum field theory which posits that when subatomic particles interact they can create new particles and also simply disintegrate.That is very much like the Buddhist insight into the arising and passing away of matter.

      And to think that without this so-called spin, a chair or all of conventional reality would simple collapse! 

      Reading about this was a great way to start the day.

      • I am glad you found it very interesting.

        Scientific American has never disappointed me, any page on any topic would be enlightening.

        The thinkers are astounding.

        Linguistics, evolutionary psychology, and how humans could speak to aliens, even these abstract topics in that magazine would just be amazing on how their minds work so far ahead.

        The electron was never a particle, but it exhibits so perfectly all the particle spin properties. That's a paradox!

        Then, they realize spin properties of electrons are exhibited due to the spinning of the electric & magnetic field. So-called sub-atomic particles (electrons) were spinning electric fields. They should be called sub-atomic fields than particles, the word particle is a misnomer. How revealing!

        By the way, all electricity working in our home or anywhere is due to these electric fields, particles were a decent approximation and could work well in the calculation but in reality, electricity behaves purely as a field than as a particle. 

      • Would the idea of a “sub-atomic field” just be a way of saying we can’t see something but we know it’s there due to it’s effect?  I think much of mysticism falls into that category. Even faith or conviction regarding core self and life force are based on sensing the qualities and effects of such and then KNOWING them rather than being able to present them in a concrete, physical way.

        • Yes, that's precise.

          Everything is field based. Everything is an electromagnetic field. (Eg: visible Light, current, electrons, sub-atomic). On the surface, matter acts like particles, but behind or inside every so called particle (misnomer), it ultimately boils down to some form or combination of field dynamics. 

          So far the scientific world has proved certain types of fields like electromagnetic types that have counter effects on the physical world or that can be demonstrated in physical world labs. Once they unhinge from the physical reference and obsession to have a physical explanation for all abstract math or physical concepts, I am sure physics will unravel more abstract fields. Einstein has to present his abstract math and physics concept with a physical sense for the world to appreciate and accept them. 

          There are fields that are even subtler & subtler than electromagnetic fields, which cannot be sensed with current science tools. Those existences are there for sure and yogic methods can detect them, but science is yet to reach there.

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