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Science and Yoga

Sometime back around 1977 and then around 1980, two friends wanted me to get involved in rendering scientific proof, by physical evidence about yoga. At the time I considered that to be stupid and I still do.


Science is valid because it proves itself on the physical level and even proves itself on the psychic level at this time in history. One reason for science not getting credibility among some mystic, psychics, and yogis even, is that those mystics are so prejudiced against science that they have no intentions of awarding science any value. This bad-ass attitude blinds the mystics where even they cannot understand that things like cell phones, GPS, satellites floating in space and other modern wonders are actually psychic feats, and render to us proof that psychic energy exist and can be maneuvered from the physical level.


However anyone who is really serious about mystic practice cannot afford to hold on to prejudices about science. Many yogis and others steal information from science and use it while in the next breath they deride science. There is a set of people who claim themselves to be transcendentalists and who use science while criticizing science and then saying that they have a right to use whatever anybody has in the service of God. This is real poppycock.


There is really no need to tie science over to mysticism but there is a need to learn from science when it produces solid evidence instead of turning away from it because of having this science-always-tells-lies and science-always-makes impossible-claims attitude.


For inSelf Yoga™, I repeated have to deal with students who have these plainly stupid and counterproductive attitudes. What is the difference between science research and yoga research?

I will tell you.


It is that science approaches the subject of life from a physical angle while yoga approaches it from a psychological angle. Both pursue the mysteries of life but from a different level. And that does not make science inferior, even though some of the students think that it is.


I welcome the research of science. I do not regard scientific people as demons or fools or materialistic eggheads. It is such a hardship on me to have students who feel this way but what can be done about it?


See the article at the link below. Because the writers wants to tie in the physical approach with the mystic approach, he makes some misleading statements but still the article is informative.


Meridians were done in China, and in India, but in India the word nadi was used for it. In China it was more applied to the physical system with intentions to provide medical relief for people. However there was a set of Taoist yogis who had mystic intentions only.





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